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Overridable Macros

Overriding Macrosโ€‹

Many of our packages are built using macros to allow easier support of multiple warehouses. Some of these macros are designed to be overridable to give an easy route to customization for the user. You can find a list of the overridable macros for each package in the package details pages.

The easiest way to to override any given macro is to create a default__ version within your dbt project, for example, to change the filter_bots macro in the unified package you would have:

{% macro default__filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
and {% if table_alias %}{{table_alias~'.'}}{% endif %}useragent not similar to '%(YOUR_CUSTOM_PATTERN|bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt)%'
{% endmacro %}

Make sure to check the source code for the macro to understand what arguments are required and make sure you start from the version applicable to your warehouse.

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