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Modeling your data with SQL Runner


For any new developments we highly recommend using our dbt packages instead. SQL Runner is no longer under active development and will only receive bug fixes in the future.

SQL Runner enables you to execute SQL scripts against the Snowplow data in your data warehouse. Specifically, it allows you to organize your SQL scripts in templatable playbooks, and execute them in series or in parallel on Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, GCP BigQuery and PostgreSQL.

A SQL Runner data model consists of:

  • SQL files (containing one or more SQL statements)
  • Playbooks (YAML files organizing the SQL into steps)

Available modelsโ€‹



A playbook consists of one of more steps, each of which consists of one or more queries. Steps are run in series, queries are run in parallel within the step.

Each query contains the path to a query file.ย 

All steps are applied against all targets. All targets are processed in parallel.

In the following example, a.sql, b.sql and c.sql are run in parallel.

- :name: "Run a,b and c in parallel"
- :name: a
:file: a.sql
- :name: b
:file: b.sql
- :name: c
:file: c.sql

By contrast, in the example below, the three SQL files are executed in sequence.

- :name: "Run a..."
- :name: a
:file: a.sql
- :name: "...then run b..."
- :name: b
:file: b.sql
- :name: "...then run c..."
- :name: c
:file: c.sql

Playbooks can be templated, and corresponding variables can be passed in with the var flag like this:

sql-runner -var host=value,username=value2,password=value3

Here is the corresponding playbook template:

- :name: "My Postgres database 1"
:type: postgres
:host: {{.host}}
:database: sql_runner_tests_1
:port: 5432
:username: {{.username}}
:password: {{.password}}
:ssl: false # SSL disabled by default
:test_schema: sql_runner_tests
:timeFormat: "2006_01_02"
- :name: Create schema and table
- :name: Create schema and table
:file: postgres-sql/good/1.sql
:template: true

SQL filesโ€‹

A query file contains one or more SQL statements. These are executed "raw" (i.e. not in a transaction) in series by SQL Runner. If the query file is flagged as a template in the playbook, then the file is pre-processed as a template before being executed.

Note: If your query is a template that requires pre-processing, you must add template: true to the query definition in the playbook yml file, for example:

:name: "Run a.."
- :name: a
:file: a.sql
:template: true


Templates are run through Golang's text template processor. The template processor can access all variables defined in the playbook.

The following custom functions are also supported:

  • nowWithFormat [timeFormat]: where timeFormat is a valid Golang time format
  • systemEnv "ENV_VAR": where ENV_VAR is a key for a valid environment variable
  • awsEnvCredentials: supports passing credentials through environment variables, such as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • awsProfileCredentials: supports getting credentials from a credentials file, also used by boto/awscli
  • awsEC2RoleCredentials: supports getting role-based credentials, i.e. getting the automatically generated credentials in EC2 instances
  • awsChainCredentials: tries to get credentials from each of the three methods above in order, using the first one returned
  • randomInt: will return a random integer

Note: All AWS functions output strings in the Redshift credentials format (CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=%s;aws_secret_access_key=%s').

For an example query file using templating see: integration/resources/postgres-sql/good/3.sql

Failure modesโ€‹

If a statement fails in a query file, the query will terminate and report failure.

If a query fails, its sibling queries will continue running, but no further steps will run.

Failures in one target do not affect other targets in any way.

Return codesโ€‹

- 0 for no errors
- 5 for target initialization errors
- 6 for query errors
- 7 for both types of error
- 8 for no queries run

Target configurationโ€‹


If your storage target is Amazon Redshift, then the target configuration in the playbook is:

- name: "My Redshift database"
type: redshift
host: ADD HERE # The endpoint as shown in the Redshift console
database: ADD HERE # Name of database
port: 5439 # Default Redshift port
username: ADD HERE
password: ADD HERE
ssl: false # SSL disabled by default


To access a BigQuery project, sql-runner will need some Google credentials. These can be set up by creating a new service account in the GCP console, then providing its private key to the application via a GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable - a detailed walkthrough of this process is available on the GCP documentation website.

After the credentials are set up, simply create a playbook with the following BigQuery-specific target configuration:

- name: "My BigQuery database"
type: bigquery
project: ADD HERE # Project ID as shown in the GCP console's front page


If your data warehouse is Snowflake, then the SQL Runner playbooks will have a target configuration as:

- name: "My Snowflake database"
type: snowflake
account: ADD HERE # Your Snowflake account name
database: ADD HERE # Name of database
warehouse: ADD HERE # Name of warehouse to run the queries
username: ADD HERE
password: ADD HERE
host: # Leave blank
port: # Leave blank
ssl: true # Snowflake connection is always secured by TLS
query_tag: ADD HERE # optional, available since v0.10.0

The query_tag parameter sets the QUERY_TAG session parameter in Snowflake. When set, it will be applied to all queries included in the playbook.


Finally, if your storage target is PostgreSQL, then can be configured as:

- name: "My Postgres database"
type: postgres
host: ADD HERE
database: ADD HERE # Name of database
port: 5432 # Default Postgres port
username: ADD HERE
password: ADD HERE
ssl: false # SSL disabled by default

That's it - you're now ready to start running SQL against your data warehouse!

User guideโ€‹

SQL Runner is a zero-dependency binary and can be found as a release asset for:

CLI Argumentsโ€‹

./sql-runner --help
sql-runner version: 0.10.1
Run playbooks of SQL scripts in series and parallel on Redshift, Postgres, BigQuery and Snowflake
-checkLock string
Checks whether the lockfile already exists
-consul string
The address of a consul server with playbooks and SQL files stored in KV pairs
Will read playbooks locally, but use Consul for locking.
-deleteLock string
Will attempt to delete a lockfile if it exists
Runs through a playbook without executing any of the SQL
Will print all queries after templates are filled
-fromStep string
Starts from a given step defined in your playbook
Shows this message
-lock string
Optional argument which checks and sets a lockfile to ensure this run is a singleton. Deletes lock on run completing successfully
-playbook string
Playbook of SQL scripts to execute
-runQuery string
Will run a single query in the playbook
Will print all output from queries
-softLock string
Optional argument, like '-lock' but the lockfile will be deleted even if the run fails
-sqlroot string
Absolute path to SQL scripts. Use PLAYBOOK, BINARY and PLAYBOOK_CHILD for those respective paths (default "PLAYBOOK")
-var value
Variables to be passed to the playbook, in the key=value format
Shows the program version

More on Consulโ€‹

Using the -consul argument results in the following changes:

  • The -playbook argument becomes the key that is used to look for the playbook in Consul.
  • The -sqlroot argument also becomes a key argument for Consul.
  • The -lock argument creates a lock as a Consul key value pair
  • The -softLock argument creates a lock as a Consul key value pair
  • The -checkLock argument searches in Consul for a lock
  • The -deleteLock argument searches in Consul for a lock

If you pass in the default:

  • ./sql-runner -consul "localhost:8500" -playbook "sql-runner/playbook/1"

This results in:

  • Looking for your playbook file at this key sql-runner/playbook/1
  • Expecting all your SQL file keys to begin with sql-runner/playbook/<SQL path from playbook>

However as the key here can be used as a both a data and folder node we have added a new sqlroot option:

  • ./sql-runner -consul "localhost:8500" -playbook "sql-runner/playbook/1" -sqlroot PLAYBOOK_CHILD

This results in:

  • Looking for your playbook file at this key sql-runner/playbook/1
  • Expecting all your SQL file keys to begin with sql-runner/playbook/1/<SQL path from playbook>
    • The data node is used as a folder node as well.