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Table Grants


This functionality requires dispatching to our macros over dbt core, see how to do this on the dispatch setup page.



Any package can make use of the table grants feature provided by the snowplow__grant_select_to variable if you are using at least version 0.16.2 of snowplow-utils, even if the variable is not listed in the configuration. Granting usage on schemas however requires specific package versions.

PackageMinimum Required Version
Unified Digital0.3.0
Media Player0.7.2

Note that this feature is not supported for BigQuery due to the different approach to permissions they take via IAM roles.


Granting select on tablesโ€‹

To grant select on all tables created within our package, you can provide a list of the users/roles in the snowplow__grant_select_to variable e.g.

snowplow__grant_select_to: ['myuser1', 'myuser2']

Note that these user/role names are case sensitive. Databricks Principals are also supported. If the user does not exist an error will occur when the grant tries to run. This feature is compatible with the built-in dbt grants functionality and we will grant to a combination of the two.


It is important to scope this to the relevant package, if you set this variable at the top level of your project then all models will have this grant applied.


Note this will overwrite any existing grants applied to the table manually in the warehouse.

Granting usage on schemasโ€‹

In the case of some warehouses, users also need usage permissions on the schema a table is in to be able to access the data. We provide this functionality via a post-hook that grants usage on any schema interacted with during the dbt run to the users listed in snowplow__grant_select_to.


Due to limitations with dbt, we are not able to scope this only to schemas interacted with by our package. This means ALL schemas in the run will have usage granted to these users.

This functionality will only trigger if snowplow__grant_select_to is not empty, and you can disable this by setting snowplow__grant_schema_usage to false.

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