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Model Selection

YAML Selectors

The Snowplow models in each package are designed to be run as a whole, which ensures all incremental tables are kept in sync. As such, run the model using:

dbt run --select snowplow_<package> tag:snowplow_<package>_incremental

The snowplow_<package> selection will execute all nodes within the relevant Snowplow package, while the tag:snowplow_<package>_incremental will execute all custom modules that you may have created.

Given the verbose nature of this command we suggest using the YAML selectors we have provided. The equivalent command using the selector flag would be:

dbt run --selector snowplow_<package>

Within the packages we have provided a suite of suggested selectors to run and test the models within the packages. This leverages dbt's selector flag.

These are defined in each selectors.yml file within the packages, however in order to use these selections you will need to copy this file into your own dbt project directory. This is a top-level file and therefore should sit alongside your dbt_project.yml file. If you are using multiple packages in your project you will need to combine the contents of these into a single file.