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spEnrichedFilterContext: Specific to Snowplow data. Filters messages based on a regex match against a field in a context.

This transformation is for use on fileds from contexts.

Note that if the same context is present in the data more than once, one instance of a match is enough for the regex condition to be considered a match โ€” and the message to be kept.

The full parsed context name must be provided, in camel case, in the format returned by the Snowplow analytics SDK: contexts_{vendor}_{name}_{major version} โ€” for example contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1.

The path to the field to be matched must then be provided as a jsonpath (dot notation and square braces only) โ€” for example test1.test2[0].test3.

Filters can be used in one of two ways, which is determined by the filter_action option. filter_action determines the behavior of the app when the regex provided evaluates to true. If it's set to "keep", the app will complete the remaining transformations and send the message to the destination (unless a subsequent filter determines otherwise). If it's set to "drop", the message will be acked and discarded, without continuing to the next transformation or target.

The below example keeps messages which contain prod in the environment field of the contexts_com_acme_env_context_1 context. Note that the contexts_com_acme_env_context_1 context is attached more than once, if any of the values at dev don't match environment, the message will be kept.

Minimal configuration:


Every configuration option:

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