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Snowplow style guide

This guide is for anyone writing for Snowplow. Please follow these rules so that all Snowplow content is consistent and easy to read.

This includes writings such as:

  • Technical product documentation, including:
  • Other API documentation generated from code documentation, by tools such as Swagger or API Extractor
  • Release notes
  • Text within the Console
  • Blog posts
  • Other marketing content for the main Snowplow website

This guide is linked from the docs GitHub README.

Using this guide with an AI tool

If you're using an LLM AI tool to help you write, provide it with this guide.

The style guide file is found here. Depending which AI you are using, you will need to copy the file contents, or save the file.

github screenshot showing how to download the file

Writing new content

If you have only a free account for the AI, manually provide the style guide for each chat.

Example prompt:

I'm writing a blog post to advertise a new product release. Here is the company style guide. Follow the rules for all generated writing.

If you have a paid account, create a summarized version of the style guide to set in your project instructions, so that it will apply to all chats in the project.

Example prompt:

Here is the company style guide. Create a compact version that I can set as custom project instructions.

Example instructions for chatGPT:

This is for writing documentation on Snowplow ( in markdown format. Create a code window.

all headings sentence case

Editing existing content

Try asking the AI to create an edited version that is consistent with the style guide. It might do a reasonable job of updating things like formatting and spelling (then again, it might not). It is less likely to do a good job of improving less easily-defined things, such as replacing an unnecessary explanation of a concept with a link to a Fundamentals page.

Example prompt:

Here is an existing piece of documentation, and the company style guide. Update the documentation to be compliant with the style guide. Do a first pass looking for and improving on any larger structural or design problems. Then a second pass looking for more specific technical problems.

Tell me any issues you find in the content. I expect to get a full updated version that aligns with the style guide.

Alternatively, ask it just to just list problems rather than trying to edit the text itself. It will likely still miss some problems (and hallucinate others) but this can provide a useful checklist for improvements.

Example prompt:

Here is an existing piece of documentation, and the company style guide. Go through every section in the style guide (everything at header level h3 i.e. ###) and work out whether the documentation complies with it or not.

If the page is not following that rule, tell me so and the evidence for your decision. I expect to get a list of some of the headings from the style guide, along with the associated evidence, and advice on updating the content.


Here are two pieces of older content that only partially follow the style guide. You can see the original text and the text that has been updated to match the style guide rules:

Grammar and spelling

US English

  • Use US English spelling

    behavioral databehavioural data
    data centerdata centre
  • Reference for US vs UK differences

  • Be careful with "anonymization". We accidentally used the British spelling for some config options in our trackers (withServerAnonymisation in the JavaScript tracker, serverAnonymisation and userAnonymisation on mobile)

  • Don't worry about US vs UK grammar rules aside from spelling


  • Use "data" as singular

    the data is capturedthe data are captured

Set up and log in

  • "Set up" is a verb, "setup" is a noun or adjective

    • Prefer "configuration" over "setup"

    • Avoid the hyphenated version, "set-up", because it's unclear

      ✅ verb✅ noun✅ adjective
      set up your trackingyour tracking implementation setupsetup page
      your tracking implementation configuration
  • "Log in" is a verb, "login" is a noun or adjective

    • Prefer "credentials" over "login"

    • Avoid the hyphenated version, "log-in", because it's unclear

      ✅ verb✅ noun✅ adjective
      log in to your accountset up a login for your accountlogin page
      set up credentials for your account

Formatting and punctuation

Quotation marks

  • Use double quotation marks (") rather than single (')

    the "Filters" buttonthe 'Filters' button
  • For documentation, use straight quotes (") rather than smart ones (“)

    a "spiky" valuea “spiky” value
  • For all other writing, smart quotes are fine as long as this is consistent within the piece of writing

    a "spiky" valuea “spiky” value

Oxford comma

  • Use a comma before the last item in a list

    digital products, customer experiences, and fraud mitigationdigital products, customer experiences and fraud mitigation

Titles and headings

  • Headings never finish with punctuation (no full stops, colons, etc.)

  • Use only heading levels 1, 2 and 3

  • The title of the page should have header level 1 (#)

  • Subheadings should be H2 (##), with any sections under that as H3 (###)

  • Do not use smaller headings - they look confusingly like normal text

    • Docusaurus doesn't include smaller headings in the table of contents
  • For documentation and release notes, use sentence case for titles and headings

    Configuring how events are sentConfiguring How Events Are Sent
  • For the main website and blog posts, use title case

    Configuring How Events Are SentConfiguring how events are sent

Bold and italic

  • Highlight specific key words or phrases using bold (**, preferred) or italic (_)

    • Choose bold or italic, don't combine them for the same words
  • Use bold for UI components that the reader will interact with: page titles, tabs, buttons, dropdown menus, checkboxes, etc.

  • Don't make entire paragraphs bold or italic

    events are automatically tracked once configuredevents are automatically tracked once configured
    click on the Add action buttonclick on the Add action button
    the Settings pagethe "Settings" page


  • Use inline code (single backticks, `) for names of tables, fields, columns, classes, file names, etc.

  • If the name has underscores or is all lower case, it should probably be marked as code (rather than in bold or with apostrophes)

    a single geo_location field
    an event_id UUID string
    tracking a ScreenView event

Lists (bullets and numbers)

  • Introduce the whole list with a sentence ending in a colon

  • Start each item with a capital letter

  • Don't put a full stop at the end of the sentence

  • Exception: list items that have multiple sentences within them should have full stops at the end

  • Lists should be consistent - either single sentence (no full stop) or multiple sentences (with full stop)

  • There should be no more than seven items in the list

  • When using a colon to make a kind of list item header, the subsequent sentence starts lowercase, like when using colons normally

    • Avoid using hyphens for list item "headers"
    * Make tracking implementation easier* make tracking implementation easier
    * Boolean: the value will be interpreted as a boolean* Boolean: The value will be interpreted as a boolean.
    2. Remove the attribute entirely2. Remove - remove the attribute entirely
    Make the following changes:
    - Replace com.myvendor with your company domain
    - Leave jsonschema as-is
    Make the following changes:
    - replace com.myvendor with your company domain
    - leave jsonschema as-is


  • Text inside tables should start with a capital letter
  • Exception: code and related text should be formatted as inline code, with appropriate capitalization (e.g. true)
  • Text should be consistent, either single sentence (no full stop) or multiple sentences (with full stop)


  • Use "and" rather than "&"

  • This is partly for consistency and aesthetic reasons, but also helps with screen reader accessibility

    version and amendversion & amend
    User and Marketing Analytics visualizationUser & Marketing Analytics visualization

Writing style


  • For documentation, release notes, and the main website, use a calm, encouraging, professional tone

    • Contractions such as "don't" are fine
    • Try not to stress out the reader with cautions and warnings
  • For blog posts, a more casual and friendly tone is welcome

    press entermake sure you press enter
    specifyyou must be careful to specify


  • For blog posts and the main website, it's important to say how great Snowplow is

  • For all other writing, this is inappropriate

    • Documentation must not sound like sales or marketing collateral
  • Blog posts should not be linked to from the documentation

    stream your enhanced events effortlessly to destinationsstream your enhanced events to destinations
    allows users to easily recordallows users to record
    create events quickly and accuratelycreate events
    we have the best features to do Xwe do X


  • Explain the point as simply as possible, without any extra words or phrases that don't add meaningful information

    on top of that
  • Importantly, don't explain concepts: link to existing pages about them such as those in the Fundamentals docs section

    • This includes events, entities and context, schemas, enrichment, the structure of the data, failed events, etc.


  • Use active rather than passive voice

    the Collector receives eventsevents are received by the Collector
    • Exception: use passive voice if it makes for better writing

      Set up your tracking and send events. These events are received by the CollectorSet up your tracking and send events. The Collector receives the events


  • Refer to the reader directly as "you" (second-person pronoun) where possible

    you can find your organization's IDthe user can find their organization's ID
  • Use "the user" to refer to users of the reader's products - the people who are generating the data

    you can track information about the user's browser
  • For documentation, primarily refer to Snowplow as "Snowplow"

    • Exception: use "our", "we", "us" (first-person pronouns) if it makes for a better sentence

      Snowplow supports two types of Iglu registrywe support two types of Iglu registry
      Snowplow provideswe provide
      but you can also build your ownbut we also encourage building your own
      use the Snowplow trackersuse our trackers
      because we discard stray pingsbecause Snowplow discards stray pings
  • For release notes, blog posts, and the main website, using first-person pronouns as well as "Snowplow" is fine

    we are pleased to announce
    we have fixed a bug
    the Snowplow trackers


  • For all documentation except for migration guides, stay within the current moment in time

    • We won't remember to come back and update it

    • The documentation is not an appropriate place to announce upcoming features

      in the future
      you can now
      Snowplow plans to
  • For migration guides, release notes, and all other writing, it's fine to compare to the past, or make reference to already-announced upcoming features

    • Referring to previous functionality is the point of migration guides, after all

      the tracker now supports
      will be coming soon

Exclamation marks

  • For documentation and release notes, avoid exclamation marks

    That's it for installation.That's it for installation!
  • For other writing, occasional exclamation marks are fine

    • They can help maintain a friendly, casual tone

      keep your data AI-ready from collection to delivery!


  • For most documentation, emojis can be used sparingly, to provide information

    • Emojis must not be used for decoration

      ✅ Geolocation entity🏔️ “Glass-box” technical architecture
  • For release notes and API documentation, no emojis at all

  • For blog posts and the main website, occasional emojis are fine

    • They can help maintain a friendly, casual tone

      🎉 Reduce your data loading costs by up to 80%.

Diagrams and images

  • Adding diagrams and images is encouraged
  • Diagrams and images should have white backgrounds
  • For images, use .webp (preferred - the file size is smaller) or .png format
  • Images should be a sensible size (max 2000px x 500px)
  • Highlighting the relevant part of an image is recommended
  • For documentation diagrams, Mermaid code is recommended as they adjust automatically

Inclusive language

Allowlist and denylist

  • Use allowlist and denylist instead of the older white/blacklist terminology

    allowed form elementswhitelisted form elements
    allowlisted form elements

Gendered language

  • Avoid gendered language

  • Use plural, or the gender-neutral "they" third-person pronoun

    users will need tohe will need to
    they will need tohe/she will need to
    five person-hoursfive man-hours

Snowplow-specific terms


  • Snowplow is called Snowplow, not Snowplow Analytics

  • Most products can have "Snowplow" added to their name if it helps clarify what's being referred to

    the Snowplow JavaScript tracker
    the Snowplow Collector endpoint
    the Snowplow dbt data models


  • A few products/concepts always have capital letters

    Data Product Studio
    Snowplow Customer Data Infrastructure
    Data Model Packs
  • Most products or features should not have capital letters when being used in a sentence

    track a page viewtrack a Page View
    creating data productscreating Data Products
    all the source applicationsall the Source Applications
    Unified Digital data modelUnified Digital Data Model
    stream that contains all of your failed eventsstream that contains all of your Failed Events
    custom self-describing eventcustom Self-describing event
    Snowplow tag templateSnowplow Tag Template
  • Product names should be in normal text, not code markup

    Snowplow CLIsnowplow-cli

Deprecated terminology

  • Use "entity", not "context"

    • It's unavoidable to use "context" when referring to some table columns or APIs, but use the correct nomenclature around them anyway

    • Link to the Fundamentals page about entities if it feels unclear

      these entities provide some context to the eventthese contexts provide some context to the event
      all versions of the entityall versions of the context
      pass a list of entities using the context keypass a list of contexts using the context key
      the derived entitiesthe derived contexts
  • Use "self-describing event", not "unstructured event"

    custom self-describing eventscustom unstructured events
  • Use "failed events", not "bad rows"

    • Exception: if specifically referring to the legacy bad row JSON format and associated tooling

      where your failed event files arewhere your bad rows files are
      the bad rows format
  • Use "visualization", not "data application"

    the Marketing Attribution visualizationthe Marketing Attribution data app

Pipeline components

  • Console is capitalized, and doesn't have a definite article (no "the")

  • It can also be called "BDP Console" or "Snowplow BDP Console"

    • This is fine at the start of a piece of writing but feels overly wordy if used throughout, so maybe open with that then just call it "Console" subsequently

      data structures in Consoledata structures in the console
      data structures in BDP Consoledata structures in the Snowplow Console
  • Collector is capitalized, and gets a definite article ("the")

    • Use "the Collector endpoint" where possible for clarity - the reader might not know what we mean by "Collector", but they probably know what an endpoint is

      events hit the Collector
      events hit the Collector application
      events hit the Collector endpoint
  • Enrich is capitalized, but doesn't always get a definite article ("the")

    enabled by default within the Enrich application
    enabled by default within Enrich
    Enrich can enrich an event
  • All the Loaders are capitalized, and get a definite article ("the")

    the Lake Loader on AWSthe lake loader on AWS
    the BigQuery Loader reads enriched eventsBigQuery loader reads enriched events
  • Iglu is capitalized, as are Iglu Central and Iglu Server, but not any other Iglu components

    an Iglu client resolving a schema from Iglu Centralan Iglu Client resolving a schema from Iglu Central
    setting up an instance of the Iglu Serversetting up an instance of the Iglu server
    the Iglu webhook adapterthe Iglu Webhook adapter


  • The trackers have the specific language capitalized, followed by lowercase "tracker"

  • Refer to the iOS and Android trackers together as the "native mobile" trackers (no capitalization)

    the Java trackerthe Java Tracker
    the Snowplow Python trackerthe Snowplow Python Tracker
    the native mobile trackersthe mobile native trackers
  • Use "JavaScript tracker" to refer to the web trackers collectively - the one loaded via tags and the one installed using npm (a.k.a. browser tracker)

    • This doesn't apply within the docs pages for the web trackers themselves

      track a page view using the JavaScript trackertrack a page view using the web trackers

Events without schemas

  • Use "baked-in events" for events that don't have a schema

  • Specifically, these are page views, page pings, and the legacy ecommerce transaction events

  • We've previously referred to them as primitive, canonical, or standard events

    baked-in events aren't described by a schema


  • Refer to specific versions as "version X.Y.Z" or just "X.Y.Z"

  • It's not necessary to put all 3 numbers if there aren't any patches

    install version 1.3.0install v1.3.0
    since 0.12since v0.12

General technical terms


  • Acronyms should be in capitals

  • Some can be pluralized with an "s", but not all

    JSON schemas
  • For the documentation website, we have a docs plugin that adds a dotted line and a tooltip explanation to acronyms, e.g. hovering over "BDP" will show that it stands for "Behavioral Data Platform": add new acronym definitions to the src/remark/abbreviations.js file to enable this behavior

  • (Technically, these are all initialisms, not acronyms)


  • Third-party products should be capitalized as appropriate

  • Don't use capitalization to highlight things

    using machine learningusing Machine Learning
    due to an enrichment failuredue to an Enrichment Failure
  • Use lower case for "web"

    a web browsera Web browser


  • "Real-time" is hyphenated if it's used as an adjective

    • It's two separate words if it's being used as a noun

      ✅ adjective✅ noun
      data available in real-time streamsdata available in real time
  • "Back-end" and "front-end" are hyphenated

    • Strictly speaking, they should only be hyphenated if they're used as adjectives, and two separate words when used as nouns

    • We are going for consistency instead of being entirely grammatically correct here

      ✅ adjective✅ noun
      front-end developersworking on the front-end
      back-end trackinga storage back-end
  • "Server-side" and "client-side" are hyphenated

    ingestion from server-sideingestion from server side
    Google Tag Manager Server-sideGoogle Tag Manager Server Side
    enable client-side anonymous trackingenable client side anonymous tracking
  • Use "ecommerce" without hyphen or capitalization (similar to "email")

    • Exception: you're referring to a specific Snowplow product or feature, in which case it should be capitalized

      track ecommerce eventstrack e-commerce events
      the Ecommerce pluginthe E-commerce plugin
      the Ecommerce data modelthe eCommerce data model



  • Images should have alt text provided

  • Save the image using a useful file name

  • Guidelines for writing alt text

    ![screenshot of the Template Editor showing how to modify permissions](images/modifying_permissions.png)![](images/modifying_permissions.png)
  • Links should be clearly described, either by the preceding text or the link itself

  • Use the name of the page you're linking to where possible

  • Guidelines for writing link text

    for more information, see [Tracking specific events]()for more information, see [this page]()
    the schema for this event is found [here]()[here]() is the schema for this event

Markdown formatting

Bullet point lists

  • It's ok to use - or * for the list bullet points, since they come out looking the same


  • This applies to the main documentation site only

  • Highlight blocks of text using the built-in Docusaurus admonitions feature

  • Use admonitions sparingly; having multiple within one page is overwhelming

  • Set a custom heading where possible

    :::info Function signature:::info
  • Use "Tip" blocks to encourage readers to take action

    :::tip Avoiding duplicate column names
    Make sure you include a prefix value to avoid duplicate column names.
  • Use "Note" or "Info" blocks to highlight information that doesn't necessarily require action, such as that about a newer version being available, how a specific component works, or what versions are supported

  • The "Warning" and "Danger" blocks are reserved for information about potential data loss or permissions breaches


  • Use code blocks (triple backticks, ```) for code examples

  • Specify the language next to the opening backticks, so that the code block is rendered correctly

  • For the main documentation site only: if the rendering doesn't look right, make sure that the specified language is listed under prism: additionalLanguages in the docusaurus.config.js file
