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Quick start guide

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Tracker Maintenance Classification Latest tracker version Supported React Native versions

In order to start sending events using the Snowplow React Native Tracker, the following steps are involved:


To install the tracker, add it as a dependency to your React Native app:

npm install --save @snowplow/react-native-tracker

You will also need to add the FMDB dependency to you ios/Podfile (unless using Expo Go) with modular_headers enabled. Add this line to the end of the file:

pod 'FMDB', :modular_headers => true


Next, in your app create a new tracker using the createTracker method. As a minimal example:

import { createTracker } from '@snowplow/react-native-tracker';

const tracker = createTracker(
endpoint: COLLECTOR_URL,

The createTracker function takes as arguments:

  1. Required: The tracker namespace, which identifies each tracker
  2. Required: The Network configuration
  3. Optional: The Tracker Controller configuration

The optional Tracker Controller configuration has as type definition:

interface TrackerControllerConfiguration {
trackerConfig?: TrackerConfiguration,
sessionConfig?: SessionConfiguration,
emitterConfig?: EmitterConfiguration,
subjectConfig?: SubjectConfiguration,
gdprConfig?: GdprConfiguration,
gcConfig?: GCConfiguration

In other words, it provides a way for a fine grained tracker configuration.

As an example to create a tracker with all configurations provided (wherever applicable, the default values are shown):

const tracker = createTracker(
endpoint: COLLECTOR_URL,
method: 'post',
customPostPath: 'com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/tp2', // A custom path which will be added to the endpoint URL to specify the complete URL of the collector when paired with the POST method.
requestHeaders: {} // Custom headers for HTTP requests to the Collector
trackerConfig: {
appId: 'my-app-id',
devicePlatform: 'mob',
base64Encoding: true,
logLevel: 'off',
applicationContext: true,
platformContext: true,
geoLocationContext: false,
sessionContext: true,
deepLinkContext: true,
screenContext: true,
screenViewAutotracking: true,
lifecycleAutotracking: false,
installAutotracking: true,
exceptionAutotracking: true,
diagnosticAutotracking: false,
userAnonymisation: false // Whether to anonymise client-side user identifiers in session and platform context entities
sessionConfig: {
foregroundTimeout: 1800,
backgroundTimeout: 1800
emitterConfig: {
bufferOption: 'single',
emitRange: 150,
threadPoolSize: 15,
byteLimitPost: 40000,
byteLimitGet: 40000,
serverAnonymisation: false // Whether to anonymise server-side user identifiers including the `network_userid` and `user_ipaddress`
subjectConfig: {
userId: 'my-user-id',
networkUserId: '5d79770b-015b-4af8-8c91-b2ed6faf4b1e',
domainUserId: '7cdd5ea8-b0f5-47ea-a8bb-5ec8e98cdbd6',
useragent: 'some-useragent-string',
ipAddress: '',
timezone: 'Europe/London',
language: 'en',
screenResolution: [123, 456],
screenViewport: [123, 456],
colorDepth: 20
gdprConfig: {
basisForProcessing: 'consent',
documentId: 'my-gdpr-doc-id',
documentVersion: '1.0.0',
documentDescription: 'my gdpr document description'
gcConfig: [
tag: 'my-first-gc-tag',
globalContexts: [
schema: 'my-gc-schema-01',
data: {gcData: 'some data'}
schema: 'my-gc-schema-02'
data: {moreGCData: 'some more data'}
tag: 'another-gc-tag',
globalContexts: [
schema: 'my-gc-schema-03'
data: {gcProp: 'some value'}

Track events

Once the tracker is initialized, you can use the tracker methods to track events, about which you can find out more in the following Tracking events section.