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Declarative entities with Global Context

As well as adding context entities to each individual event, it is possible to add context entities in a declarative way, so that they are applied to all (or a subset of) events within an application.

This can be done at tracker setup by providing a GlobalContextConfiguration. The logic for each global context entity is held within a GlobalContext generator. Multiple GlobalContext can be provided to the GlobalContextConfiguration, along with an identifying name or tag.

This example code shows the simplest kind of GlobalContext configuration: the same (static) self-describing JSON entity will be attached to every event tracked.

// context entity to add to all events
let staticContext = SelfDescribingJson(schema: "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.iglu/anything-a/jsonschema/1-0-0", andData: ["key": "staticExample"])

// create a GlobalContext instance with the entity as a static context
let staticGlobalContext = GlobalContext(staticContexts: [staticContext])

// create a GlobalContextsConfiguration and assign the GlobalContext with a unique tag identifier
let globalContextsConfig = GlobalContextsConfiguration()
.contextGenerators(["staticExampleTag": staticGlobalContext])

// pass the configuration when creating a new tracker
let tracker = Snowplow.createTracker(namespace: ..., network: ..., configurations: [..., globalContextsConfig])

A generator can also be added at run-time using the method add like in the following example. This is possible even if no GlobalContextConfiguration was originally provided when the tracker was created.

tracker.globalContexts?.add(tag: "staticExampleTag", contextGenerator: staticGlobalContext)

Each context generator is associated with a tag string. The tag can be used to remove a generator at runtime using the method remove like in the following example.

tracker.globalContexts.remove(tag: "staticExampleTag")

It returns nil/null in case there aren’t generators registered with the specified tag, otherwise it returns the removed GlobalContext instance.

Configuring the Global Context logic

An entity can be an immutable static entity, or a dynamic entity based off the event received. Also, the entity can be added either to all events, or conditionally to a subset of events by type or schema. The specific objects passed to the GlobalContext generator set how the global context entity will be applied, as described in the table below:

All eventsBy event typeBy event schema
Static[SelfDescribingJson][SelfDescribingJson], FilterBlock[SelfDescribingJson], SchemaRuleSet
DynamicGeneratorBlockGeneratorBlock, FilterBlockGeneratorBlock, SchemaRuleSet

If the Global Context logic becomes too complex, consider using the ContextGenerator interface/protocol instead.

Static entities

This is useful in cases where the entity is static and it's always the same. A classic case is a contextual information like a user identifier that doesn't change during the tracking.

let staticContext = SelfDescribingJson(schema: "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.iglu/anything-a/jsonschema/1-0-0", andData: ["key": "staticExample"])

Dynamic entities

A context generator callback (FunctionalGenerator on Android) returns an array of self describing JSONs, representing entities. They are evaluated each time an event is sent, and so can be used to send an entity based off event information. The InspectableEvent is an interface that exposes internal data of the processed event: name, schema and payload.

let contextGenerator = GlobalContext(generator: {  event in
return [
SelfDescribingJson(schema: "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.iglu/anything-a/jsonschema/1-0-0", andData: ["eventName": event.schema!])

Conditional entities

The previous examples described the generation of entities that are associated with every event. However, there are cases where the contexts should only be applied to certain events.

Filter Callback

A filter callback is used to discriminate between events so we can attach global contexts only to certain events.

let filteredGC = GlobalContext(
staticContexts: [
SelfDescribingJson(schema: "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/test_sdj/jsonschema/1-0-1", andData: [
"key": "value"
filter: { event in
// this will add the entity to all Structured events
return "se" == event?.name
tracker.add(filteredGC, tag: "tag1")

Ruleset Provider

A ruleset provider is used when you want to attach a global context entity to certain events based on the schema URI.

A ruleset provider has a ruleset which has a list of allowed schemas and a list of denied schemas. Both lists contain Iglu URIs which can be modified based on some syntactic rules.

In this example, the ruleset provider will attach the generated entities (as described in the previous section) to events with the schema iglu:com.acme.*/*/jsonschema/*-*-*, but not to*/jsonschema/*-*-*.

let allowed = "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.*/*/jsonschema/*-*-*"
let denied = "*/jsonschema/*-*-*"

let ruleset = SchemaRuleset(allowedList: [allowed], andDeniedList: [denied])
let rulesetGC = GlobalContext(staticContexts:[
SelfDescribingJson(schema:"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/test_sdj/jsonschema/1-0-1", andData:["key": "value"])
], ruleset:ruleset)

tracker.globalContexts?.add(tag: "tag1", contextGenerator: rulesetGC)
Ruleset Format

Ruleset rules are the strings used to match against certain schemas, such as iglu:com.acme/*/jsonschema/*-*-*.

They follow the same five-part format as an Iglu URI protocol:vendor/event_name/format/version with the exception that a wildcard can be used to refer to all cases.

The parts of a rule are wildcarded with certain guidelines:

  • asterisks cannot be used for the protocol (i.e. schemas always start with iglu:);
  • version matching must be specified like so: *–*–*, where any part of the versioning can be defined, e.g. 1-*–*, but only sequential parts can be wildcarded, e.g. 1-*-1 is invalid but 1-1–* is valid;
  • at least two parts: com.acme.* is valid, while com.* is not;
  • vendors cannot be defined with non-wildcarded parts between wildcarded parts: com.acme.*.marketing.* is invalid, while com.acme.*.* is valid.

ContextGenerator for custom logic

In case the logic for filter and generator callbacks are too complex, it’s possible to specify them in a class that implements the ContextGenerator interface/protocol.

In this case the logic for filtering and generation is encapsulated behind a context generator class.

class GlobalContextGenerator : ContextGenerator {

func filter(from event: InspectableEvent) -> Bool {
return true

func generator(from event: InspectableEvent) -> [SelfDescribingJson]? {
return [
SelfDescribingJson(schema:"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/test_sdj/jsonschema/1-0-1", andData:["key": "value"]),

It can be passed to the tracker as usual:

let contextGeneratorGC = GlobalContext(contextGenerator: GlobalContextGenerator())
tracker.globalContexts?.add(tag: "tag1", contextGenerator: contextGeneratorGC)