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Web analytics

Unleash the power of your behavioral data
If you're looking for a more guided approach that contains information about tracking and modeling your data, check out our Advanced Analytics for Web Accelerator!
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While this recipe is still relevant if you want to process the raw data yourself, we recommend you use our snowplow-web dbt package instead now to do all this for you!

Snowplow empowers you to collect granular data from your website(s). To gain a better understanding of how users are engaging, let's start off by aggregating this data into sessions. While sessions don't tell you everything, and don't necessarily reflect the entire customer journey, they are great for some initial exploratory analysis such as:

  • How many sessions does each of your marketing channels generate?
  • What is the average time users spend engaging with your site in a given session? How does that compare to the average session length?
  • How many pages do users look at in a given session?
  • Etc.

What you'll be doingโ€‹

You have already set up Snowplowโ€™s out of the box web tracking by instrumenting the Javascript Tracker in your application. This includes tracking page_view and page_ping events.

The next step is to aggregate these events into sessions. For that purpose, you'll be reviewing the default Snowplow session logic, and then running a simple SQL query to model the data.

Updating the sessionization logic (optional)โ€‹

The Snowplow JavaScript tracker automatically tracks a session identifier and a session index with all web events. Sessions are reset after 30 minutes of inactivity by default, but this can be changed this in the tracker initialization by adding the sessionCookieTimeout (in seconds):

window.snowplow("newTracker", "sp", ..., {
appId: "hosted-snowplow",
platform: "web",
sessionCookieTimeout: 3600,
contexts: {
webPage: true,
performanceTiming: true

Furthermore, you can manually reset a session, for example after a conversion, like so:


Go ahead and update the sessionization logic in your tracker implementation if you would like to. More information on the Snowplow session cookie can be found here.

Modeling sessionsโ€‹

What does the model do?โ€‹

For this recipe you'll create a simple session table describing web engagement by running the following query in your query tool of choice. This is a very simplified version of the sessions table produced by our standard web data model. For each session, it will capture the session ID, session start and end times, marketing channel as well as engagement information: page views, link clicks and time engaged (in seconds).

First generate the table:โ€‹

CREATE TABLE derived.sessions AS(
WITH sessions AS (
ev.domain_sessionid AS session_id,
MIN(ev.derived_tstamp) AS session_start,
MAX(ev.derived_tstamp) AS session_end,
SUM(CASE WHEN ev.event_name = 'page_view' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS page_views,
SUM(CASE WHEN ev.event_name = 'link_click' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS link_clicks,
10*SUM(CASE WHEN ev.event_name = 'page_ping' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS time_engaged_in_s


-- session information

-- marketing channel
WHEN ev.refr_medium IS NULL AND ev.page_url NOT ILIKE '%utm_%' THEN 'Direct'
WHEN (ev.refr_medium = 'search' AND ev.mkt_medium IS NULL) OR (ev.refr_medium = 'search' AND ev.mkt_medium = 'organic') THEN 'Organic Search'
WHEN ev.refr_medium = 'search' AND ev.mkt_medium ILIKE '%(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)%' THEN 'Paid Search'
WHEN ev.refr_medium = 'social' OR ev.mkt_medium ILIKE '%(social|social-network|social-media|sm|social network|social media)%' THEN 'Social'
WHEN ev.refr_medium = 'email' OR ev.mkt_medium ILIKE 'email' THEN 'Email'
WHEN ev.mkt_medium ILIKE '%(display|cpm|banner)%' THEN 'Display'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS marketing_channel,

-- activity

INNER JOIN sessions AS s
ON ev.domain_sessionid = s.session_id AND ev.derived_tstamp = s.session_start

GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

And then view it:โ€‹

SELECT * FROM derived.sessions;

Other queries you might want to run:โ€‹

Sessions by marketing channel:

COUNT(DISTINCT session_id) AS sessions
FROM derived.sessions

Average number of page views and time engaged in seconds per session:

AVG(page_views) AS avg_page_views,
AVG(time_engaged_in_s) AS avg_time_engaged_in_s
FROM derived.sessions;

Let's break down what you've doneโ€‹

  • You have captured a session identifier with all web events, and customized the sessionization logic to match your requirements.
  • You have run a simple SQL query to model the Snowplow data collected from your website into sessions. Based on the sessions table, you can easily see how users are engaging with your site.

Further readingโ€‹

For more information on how Snowplow models web data, take a look at our dbt web data model.

A general view of Snowplow for web can also be found on our website.

Unleash the power of your behavioral data
If you're looking for more guided approaches that contains information about tracking and modeling your data, check out all our Data Product Accelerators!
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