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Accessing failed events in file storage

On AWS and GCP, when failed events are generated on your pipeline, the raw event payload along with details about the failure are saved into file storage (S3 on AWS, GCS on Google Cloud).

Community Edition quick start guide on GCP

If you followed the Community Edition quick start guide on GCP, you will need to manually deploy the GCS Loader to save failed events into GCS, as it’s currently not included in the Terraform scripts.

Retrieving raw data

You can directly access and download examples of events that are failing from file storage. This is useful for further investigation, and also required to design a recovery operation.

Login to your AWS Console account and navigate to the sub-account that contains your Snowplow pipeline. Then navigate to your S3 storage buckets.

You should find a bucket with a name ending in -kinesis-s3-bad and within that a folder with your pipeline name e.g. prod1.

bad bucket

prod folder

Navigate into this folder and you should see partitioned (search if it isn't visible).

partitioned folder

Within this folder, there will be a subfolder for each type of failed event. Select the relevant type for the failed events you wish to find.

failed event folders

You can now browse the folder using date and time to find a batch of failed events that occurred on that date / time period.

failed events

Using Athena or BigQuery

Athena on AWS and BigQuery on GCP are tools that let you query your failed events, using the cloud storage files as a back-end data source.

SELECT data.failure.messages FROM adapter_failures
WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(data.failure.timestamp) > timestamp '2020-04-01'

This approach is handy for debugging your pipeline without the need to load your failed events into a separate database.

Before you can query this data, you need to create corresponding tables in Athena or BigQuery as we explain below. Each different failed event type (e.g. schema violations, adapter failures) has a different schema, so you will need one table per event type.

Creating the tables

Go to the Athena dashboard and use the query editor. Start by creating a database (replace {{ DATABASE }} with the name of your pipeline, e.g. prod1 or qa1):


Then run each SQL statement provided in the badrows-tables repository by copying them into the Athena query editor. We recommend creating all tables, although you can skip the ones you are not interested in.


Note that the SQL statements contain a few placeholders which you will need to edit before you can create the tables:

  • {{ DATABASE }} — as above, change this to the name of your pipeline, e.g. prod1 or qa1.
  • s3://{{ BUCKET }}/{{ PIPELINE }} — this should point to the directory in S3 where your bad rows files are stored.

Creating a table in Athena

Querying the data

As example of using your Athena tables, you might start by getting counts of each failed event type from the last week. Repeat this query for each table you have created:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schema_violations
WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(data.failure.timestamp) > DATE_ADD('day', -7, now())

Athena query

If you have schema violations, you might want to find which tracker sent the event:

SELECT data.payload.enriched.app_id, COUNT(*) FROM schema_violations
WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(data.failure.timestamp) > DATE_ADD('day', -7, now())
GROUP BY data.payload.enriched.app_id

You can do a deeper dive into the error messages to get a explanation of the last 10 failures:

SELECT message.field AS field,
message.value AS value,
message.error AS error,
message.json AS json,
message.schemaKey AS schemaKey,
message.schemaCriterion AS schemaCriterion
FROM schema_violations
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(data.failure.messages) AS t(message)
ORDER BY data.failure.timestamp DESC