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Storage options

Data warehouses and data lakes are primary destinations for Snowplow data. For other options, see the destinations overview page.

Data warehouse loaders


The cloud selection is for where your Snowplow pipeline runs. The warehouse itself can be deployed in any cloud.

DestinationTypeLoader applicationStatus
(including Redshift serverless)
Batching (recommended)
or micro-batching
RDB LoaderProduction-ready
SnowflakeBatching (recommended)
or micro-batching
Snowplow RDB LoaderProduction-ready
SnowflakeStreamingSnowflake Streaming LoaderEarly release
DatabricksBatching (recommended)
or micro-batching
Snowplow RDB LoaderProduction-ready
PostgresStreamingPostgres LoaderNot recommended for production use

Data lake loaders

All lake loaders are micro-batching.

LakeFormatCompatibilityLoader applicationStatus
S3DeltaAthenaLake LoaderEarly release
S3IcebergAthena, RedshiftLake LoaderEarly release
S3TSV/JSONAthenaS3 LoaderOnly recommended for use with RDB Batch Transformer or for failed events