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Working with the Snowtype CLI

This documentation only applies to Snowplow BDP. See the feature comparison page for more information about the different Snowplow offerings.

Snowtype CLI

The Snowtype CLI is a tool which aims to speed up tracking implementations, provide type safety and inline documentation for developers and ultimately reduce the number of erroneous events. By integrating this tool in the development workflow we introduce a way to connect the additions and updates done in a Snowplow implementation with the corresponding tracking code of the project.

Authenticating with the Console

A Console API key is required for the Snowtype CLI to authenticate with your account. You can find your own or create one in the Console API key management.


Both API key and API key ID variables are required for versions > 0.9.0.

The ways for the CLI to read the credentials are either through the global -k, --apiKey and -s, apiKeyId options or the SNOWPLOW_CONSOLE_API_KEY and SNOWPLOW_CONSOLE_API_KEY_ID environment variables. Additionally, the Snowtype CLI automatically reads from a .env file at the root of your project.


Recommended: We recommend that you use the SNOWPLOW_CONSOLE_API_KEY and SNOWPLOW_CONSOLE_API_KEY_ID environment variables.

Initializing Snowtype for your project

For the Snowtype CLI to work properly, it requires a configuration file to be initialized and present on your project's root folder. This file will be automatically generated using the snowtype init command, after adding the required input.

# Start prompting for configuration inputs
npx @snowplow/snowtype init

The input required for the initialization to work, it the following:

  • The organization ID from the BDP console.
  • The tracker you wish to generate code for.
  • If applicable, the language for that tracker.
  • The output path you wish the CLI to generate the code to.

These will all be prompted to you by default, but if needed you can call the snowtype init command with any or all the attributes passed as optional flags so prompting is not required.

Generate tracking code

The CLI will generate tracking code using a valid Snowtype configuration file with the snowtype generate command. The code that will be generated, depending on the language, will have all the required types used in schemas and Event Specifications together with methods/classes that allows for tracking these.

# Code will be generated to the outpath configuration
npx @snowplow/snowtype generate

The code generated by the CLI is not minified and contains inline documentation for methods, classes and types. If needed you can modify it in any way it suits your project.


The contents of a generated file from the Snowtype CLI will be:

  • Types/Interfaces/Classes for each schema that relates to the Data Structures, Iglu Central Schemas and Event Specifications selected.
    • For each Event Specification instruction set, a type for the adjusted schema is generated as well. The type/class will contain the Event Specification name as suffix to avoid conflicts.
  • For each schema:
    • A method/class to instantiate the structure as a Self Describing JSON. This is particularly useful to add entities as extra context on events.
    • A method that sends a Self Describing Event with the schema as the main event entity.
  • For each Event Specification, a method/class to track the event specification with the set event and context entity schemas.

The Snowtype CLI does not automatically install the required Snowplow tracking libraries. For now it generates code that use the tracking libraries which are expected to be installed on the project.

Available Trackers/Languages

Following is the set of available trackers and languages the Snowtype CLI currently can work with. This list is also the source of truth for valid keys in the tracker and language attributes of the Snowtype configuration file.

@snowplow/browser-trackerjavascript, typescript
@snowplow/node-trackerjavascript, typescript

Example Usage

Below we show example usage of the generated code. For demonstration, we assume the code was generated for the web_page and product schemas.

import {
} from "./{outpath}/snowplow";
/* Track a WebPage event */
trackWebPage({ id: "212a9b63-1af7-4e96-9f35-e2fca110ff43" });
/* Track a WebPage event with a Product context entity */
const product = createProduct({
id: "Product id",
name: "Snowplow product",
currency: "EUR",
price: 10,
category: "Snowplow/Shoes",
id: "212a9b63-1af7-4e96-9f35-e2fca110ff43",
context: [product],
/* You can enforce specific context entities on any `track` function using type arguments */
const webPage = createWebPage({ id: "212a9b63-1af7-4e96-9f35-e2fca110ff43" });
trackWebPage<Product | WebPage>({
id: "212a9b63-1af7-4e96-9f35-e2fca110ff43",
context: [product, webPage],

Data Products

To generate code for the whole set of Event Specifications of a Data Product, either manually or through the snowtype patch command, you will need the ID of the Data Product. You can do this either by clicking on the Implement tracking button on the Data Products main page to get the command directly:

data product track

Or retrieve the ID from the URL bar and then add it on the dataProductIds array:

data product id

Event Specifications

To add an Event Specification to the code generation, either manually or through the snowtype patch command, you would need the ID of the Event Specification. You can find the Event Specification ID in the main page of the Event Specification as shown below:

event specification id

Then you should add this ID to your configuration file eventSpecificationIds array.

Data Structures

To add a Data Structure to the code generation, either manually or through the snowtype patch command, you would need the Data Structure Schema tracking URL. You can find the Data Structure tracking URL on the Data Structure page in the Console, under the Overview tab as shown below:

data structure url

Then you should add this Data Structure tracking URL to your configuration file dataStructures array.

Iglu Central Schemas

To add a Data Structure to the code generation, either manually or through the snowtype patch command, you would need the Schema tracking URL. You can find the Schema tracking URL on Iglu Central by searching for the schema and under the General Information tab you can find the URL as shown below:

iglu central tracking url

Then you should add this Schema tracking URL to your configuration file igluCentralSchemas array.

Local Data Structure Repositories

To add a local Data Structure repository to the code generation, either manually or through the snowtype patch command, you would only need the path/s to the repository/ies you have generated schemas using the snowplow-cli.

Then you should add the path/s to your configuration file repositories array.

Generating event specification instructions

When generating code for event specifications, you have the option of delivering the implementation instructions and triggers for each specification right on the developer's environment.

By using the --instructions option on the snowtype generate command, you can generate a markdown file with all the required information about tracking an event specification.

This includes:

  • Trigger description.
  • Implementation rules.
  • Images uploaded on your Event Specification triggers.
  • App identifiers and URLs this event should be triggered on.
  • Direct links to the code for this Event Specification.

Keeping up with latest updates

It is important that the tracking code is up-to-date with latest versions of Data Structures and Event Specifications we are tracking on a project. The Snowtype CLI gives the engineers the ability to check if there are available updates for Data Structures and Event Specifications that are used in the project.

This works with the snowtype update command.

npx @snowplow/snowtype update

The above command will output a diff showing the available version updates, similar to what you can see below:

patch command version diff

In that case, you can select to update to latest versions and regenerate the tracking code. To automatically update and regenerate the tracking code reflecting the latest updates, you can use the --yes flag.

Adjust the level of update notifications

For possible Data Structure updates, you can set the maximum level of update you want to be notified about using the --maximumBump flag. This value provides the maximum bump to be notified about and update to if available. This value defaults to 'major' meaning the update command will notify you for all updates up to and including major type of updates to the schema model.

An example showcasing the flag's behavior:

// Data Structure version added to the snowtype config is 1-0-0.
// Other options...
dataStructures: ["iglu:com.acme_company/page_unload/jsonschema/1-0-0"]

This Data Structure has other deployed versions such as 1-0-1, 1-1-0 and 2-0-0. The update command will show available updates as follows:

npx @snowplow/snowtype update --maximumBump=major
# Will prompt an update to 2-0-0 or any other available update.

npx @snowplow/snowtype update --maximumBump=minor
# Will prompt an update to 1-1-0 or 1-0-1 if the only available update.

npx @snowplow/snowtype update --maximumBump=patch
# Will prompt an update to 1-0-1 if available or any other patch type update.

Disallow generating code using schemas not deployed on production environment.

While developing or testing, it might be useful to use Snowplow Mini to validate against your new schemas in your development environment. In this and any other case you are developing a schema and eventually publishing the tracking to production, you need to make sure all the schemas you are using are deployed to the production environment for the pipeline to use. Failing to do that will result in failed events.

Snowtype by default will print a warning when code is generated using schemas only published to development environment. To make sure that there are no schemas not yet deployed to production, you can use the --disallowDevSchemas flag or option when using the generate command. Using this flag will make sure each generation attempt will fail, indicating the schemas that are not yet deployed to the production environment.