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This documentation only applies to Snowplow BDP. See the feature comparison page for more information about the different Snowplow offerings.

This page only summarizes the CLI commands and the options for each command. For details on which scenarios they can be used, you can go to the Working with the CLI page.



Available CLI commands

snowtype init

Initialize the setup of Snowtype code generation in a project. Creates the configuration file.


  • -i, --organizationId Organization ID.
  • -t, --tracker Tracker to use. See available
  • -l, --language Language to use. See available
  • -o, --outpath Output path.

snowtype generate

Generates tracking code based on configuration on the configuration file. Can generate/modify the .snowtype-lock.json file.


  • -c, --config Config file path.
  • --instructions Generate event specification instructions.
  • --no-instructions Generate without instructions.
  • --validations Add runtime validation on events. Currently available for the Browser tracker.
  • --no-validations Do not add runtime validation on events.
  • --disallowDevSchemas Disallow generation of code using schemas deployed on DEV environment. Sending events using schemas deployed on DEV, will result in failed events in production pipelines. (default: false)
  • --deprecateOnlyOnProdAvailableUpdates Show deprecation warnings only when there are PROD available schema updates. (default: false)

snowtype update

Checks for latest version updates in Data Structures and Event Specifications.


  • -c, --config Config file path.
  • -y, --yes Updates all to latest version without prompting. (default: false)
  • -m, --maximumBump The maximum SchemaVer update to show an available update notification for. Possible values are 'patch', 'minor', 'major' and will work as expected regular SemVer bumps. (default: 'major')

snowtype patch

Adds new Data Structures and Event Specifications in the snowtype.config.json file without needing to modify the file by hand.


  • -c, --config Config file path.
  • -e, --eventSpecificationIds Event Specification ID/s.
  • -p, --dataProductIds Data Product ID/s.
  • -d, --dataStructures Data structure schema URI/s.
  • -i, --igluCentralSchemas Iglu central schema URI/s.
  • -r, --repositories Local Data Structure repositories generated from the snowplow-cli.

snowtype help

Shows a helpful message and brief instructions for the Snowtype CLI usage.

Global options

  • -h, --help Shows helpful instructions for the command.
  • -V, --version Output the package version number.
  • -k, --apiKey Provide the Snowplow Console API key as a CLI option.
  • -v, --verbose Enable verbose logging.