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Command Reference

This page contains the complete reference for the Snowplow CLI commands.


Work with Snowplow data products


  $ snowplow-cli data-products validate


  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
-h, --help help for data-products
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
--json-output Log output as json
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Products Download

Download all data products, event specs and source apps from BDP Console


Downloads the latest versions of all data products, event specs and source apps from BDP Console.

If no directory is provided then defaults to 'data-products' in the current directory. Source apps are stored in the nested 'source-apps' directory

snowplow-cli data-products download {directory ./data-products} [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli dp download
$ snowplow-cli dp download ./my-data-products


  -h, --help                   help for download
-f, --output-format string Format of the files to read/write. json or yaml are supported (default "yaml")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Products Publish

Publish all data products, event specs and source apps to BDP Console


Publish the local version versions of all data products, event specs and source apps from BDP Console.

If no directory is provided then defaults to 'data-products' in the current directory. Source apps are stored in the nested 'source-apps' directory

snowplow-cli data-products publish {directory ./data-products} [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli dp publish
$ snowplow-cli dp download ./my-data-products


  -h, --help   help for publish

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Products Validate

Validate data structures with BDP Console


Sends all data products and source applications from \<path> for validation by BDP Console.

snowplow-cli data-products validate [paths...] [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli dp validate ./data-products ./source-applications
$ snowplow-cli dp validate ./src


      --gh-annotate   Output suitable for github workflow annotation (ignores -s)
-h, --help help for validate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output


Work with Snowplow data structures


  $ snowplow-cli data-structures generate my_new_data_structure
$ snowplow-cli ds validate
$ snowplow-cli ds publish dev


  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
-h, --help help for data-structures
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
--json-output Log output as json
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Download

Download all data structures from BDP Console


Downloads the latest versions of all data structures from BDP Console.

Will retrieve schema contents from your development environment. If no directory is provided then defaults to 'data-structures' in the current directory.

snowplow-cli data-structures download {directory ./data-structures} [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli ds download
$ snowplow-cli ds download --output-format json ./my-data-structures


  -h, --help                   help for download
-f, --output-format string Format of the files to read/write. json or yaml are supported (default "yaml")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Generate

Generate a new data structure locally


Will write a new data structure to file based on the arguments provided.

Example: $ snowplow-cli ds gen login_click --vendor com.example Will result in a new data structure getting written to './data-structures/com.example/login_click.yaml' The directory 'com.example' will be created automatically.

$ snowplow-cli ds gen login_click Will result in a new data structure getting written to './data-structures/login_click.yaml' with an empty vendor field. Note that vendor is a required field and will cause a validation error if not completed.

snowplow-cli data-structures generate login_click {directory ./data-structures} [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli ds generate my-ds
$ snowplow-cli ds generate my-ds ./my-data-structures


      --entity                 Generate data structure as an entity
--event Generate data structure as an event (default true)
-h, --help help for generate
--output-format string Format for the file (yaml|json) (default "yaml")
--vendor string A vendor for the data structure.
Must conform to the regex pattern [a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Publish

Publishing commands for data structures


Publishing commands for data structures

Publish local data structures to BDP console.


  -h, --help   help for publish

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Publish Dev

Publish data structures to your development environment


Publish modified data structures to BDP Console and your development environment

The 'meta' section of a data structure is not versioned within BDP Console. Changes to it will be published by this command.

snowplow-cli data-structures publish dev [paths...] default: [./data-structures] [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli ds publish dev
$ snowplow-cli ds publish dev --dry-run
$ snowplow-cli ds publish dev --dry-run ./my-data-structures ./my-other-data-structures


  -d, --dry-run       Only print planned changes without performing them
--gh-annotate Output suitable for github workflow annotation (ignores -s)
-h, --help help for dev

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Publish Prod

Publish data structures to your production environment


Publish data structures from your development to your production environment

Data structures found on \<path...> which are deployed to your development environment will be published to your production environment.

snowplow-cli data-structures publish prod [paths...] default: [./data-structures] [flags]


$ snowplow-cli ds publish prod
$ snowplow-cli ds publish prod --dry-run
$ snowplow-cli ds publish prod --dry-run ./my-data-structures ./my-other-data-structures


  -d, --dry-run   Only print planned changes without performing them
-h, --help help for prod

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output

Data-Structures Validate

Validate data structures with BDP Console


Sends all data structures from \<path> for validation by BDP Console.

snowplow-cli data-structures validate [paths...] default: [./data-structures] [flags]


  $ snowplow-cli ds validate
$ snowplow-cli ds validate ./my-data-structures ./my-other-data-structures


      --gh-annotate   Output suitable for github workflow annotation (ignores -s)
-h, --help help for validate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -S, --api-key string        BDP console api key
-a, --api-key-id string BDP console api key id
--config string Config file. Defaults to $HOME/.config/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Then on:
Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Darwin $HOME/Library/Application Support/snowplow/snowplow.yml
Windows %AppData%\snowplow\snowplow.yml
--debug Log output level to Debug
-H, --host string BDP console host (default "")
--json-output Log output as json
-m, --managed-from string Link to a github repo where the data structure is managed
-o, --org-id string Your organization id
-q, --quiet Log output level to Warn
-s, --silent Disable output