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Licensing overview

Source-available components


Since some of the below licenses are not approved by OSI, we do not refer to them as Open Source licenses. However, the source code is still available.

Apache 2.0Community LicenseLimited Use LicensePersonal & Academic License

Usage and distribution for any purpose

Usage in non-competing products, no distribution (FAQ)

Usage in non-production environments only, no distribution (FAQ)

Usage for personal and academic purposes only (FAQ)

  • All tracker SDKs¹
  • All Google Tag Manager templates
  • Legacy data models (web, mobile)
  • Core libraries (schema-ddl, common-streams, etc)
  • Developer tools (Chrome Inspector, igluctl, etc)

All pipeline apps:

All data models (except web and mobile)

¹As an exception, Snowplow JavaScript Tracker is distributed under BSD 3 Clause. This tracker was originally based on Anthon Pang’s piwik.js, and has maintained the same license for distribution.


When in doubt, consult each component’s GitHub repository for the LICENSE file.

Proprietary components

Snowplow BDP is built upon the above components, but adds a vast set of proprietary, closed source ones (UI, API, highly available deployment logic, and so on). These are only available under a commercial license for Snowplow customers.