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Android (1.6.0)

You are reading documentation for an outdated version. Hereโ€™s the latest one!

The Android tracker supports Android 4.0 (API level 14+)


In order to add the tracker to your project, you must add it as a dependency.


If you use Gradle, here's how to add the tracker to your project.

Add into your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
// Snowplow Android Tracker
compile 'com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-android-tracker:1.5.0@aar'

This will install version 1.5.0 of the Android tracker. If you would like to ensure that all bug fixes and patches for version 1.5.0 are installed, simply change 1.5.0 into 1.5.+.

dependencies {
// Snowplow Android Tracker
compile 'com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-android-tracker:1.5.+@aar'

Note: no breaking changes will occur in the '1.5.x' space.

Demo appsโ€‹

With the tracker we've included a demo app that shows an example of how to integrate the tracker.

For general testing, Snowplow Mini can be used as an easily deployable collector with a live web interface for viewing received events.

The app can be run in the Android Studio emulator or on an actual device.

Simply enter the endpoint of the collector in the app's interface once it's launched and press "send events"!

Quick Startโ€‹

Add the following snippet to a file (e.g.

import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.tracker.*;
import android.content.Context;

public class SnowplowTrackerBuilder {

public static Tracker getTracker(Context context) {
Emitter emitter = getEmitter(context);
Subject subject = getSubject(context); // Optional

return Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(emitter, "your-namespace", "your-appid", context)
.subject(subject) // Optional

private static Emitter getEmitter(Context context) {
return new Emitter.EmitterBuilder("", context)

private static Subject getSubject(Context context) {
return new Subject.SubjectBuilder()


To send the events, you need to update your AndroidManifest.xml with the following permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

If you want to send location information with each event you will need to add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Send eventsโ€‹

Now you can try to track events:

Tracker tracker = SnowplowTrackerBuilder.getTracker(activity, context);

Tracker structureโ€‹

Here we'll explain the purpose of the classes provided in the tracker.


Responsible for all the storage, networking and scheduling required to ensure events are sent to a collector.

Details like the collector endpoint and sending timeout lengths are set here.


Tracker is the class where you can find the methods available for tracking events. This is also where all parts of the tracker are brought together, i.e. within Tracker you must set the associated emitter, subject, etc.


Payload is simply a key-value store used for constructing events.


SelfDescribingJson is the class used for making self-describing JSONs (SDJs).

An SDJ has a schema field that holds a URI (string) that identifies the structure of the data nested in the data field.

All events sent to the collector are self-describing JSONs.

When sending your own custom events, you will want to create a SelfDescribingJson object given two arguments: the schema, and a Map<String, String> or Map<String, Object> that holds the data you'd like to track.


A "subject" represents an individual user that is being tracked. It is used to track data that persists with a user like timezone, user ID, platform, etc.


This is where all events are found, the available classes are:

  • PageView
  • Structured
  • Unstructured
  • ScreenView
  • ConsentWithdrawn
  • ConsentGranted
  • ConsentDocument
  • Timing
  • EcommTransaction
  • EcommTransactionItem

Events are sent by providing them as arguments to the tracking methods found in Tracker.

Screenview eventsโ€‹

A screenview event can be manually tracked like this:

.name("Product list")
.id("UUID string")
.previousName("User grid")
.previousId("another Id")


This is a class that defines callbacks that are called when an emitter either fails or succeeds to send requests.

Tracking basic methodsโ€‹

Creating an emitterโ€‹

Every tracker must have an emitter in order to send events.

Note: the URL endpoint is the only required parameter.

Here's an example that creates an emitter:

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required
.method(HttpMethod.GET) // Optional - Defines how we send the request
.option(BufferOption.Single) // Optional - Defines how many events we bundle in a POST
.security(RequestSecurity.HTTPS) // Optional - Defines what protocol used to send events
.tls(TLSVersion.TLSv1_2) // Optional - Defines what TLS versions are used for the request
.callback(new EmitterCallback() {...})

Creating a trackerโ€‹

To instantiate a tracker in your code simply instantiate the Tracker class with the following builder pattern:

// Create a Tracker with all options
Tracker.init(new Tracker
.TrackerBuilder(e2, "myNamespace", "myAppId", getContext())
.base64(false) // Optional - defines if we use base64 encoding
.platform(DevicePlatforms.Mobile) // Optional - defines what platform the event will report to be on
.subject(new Subject.SubjectBuilder().build()) // Optional - a subject which contains values appended to every event

Sending eventsโ€‹

The following methods are available for sending events from the tracker:

Attaching contexts to eventsโ€‹

Contexts augment events with additional information. The tracker has standard contexts for automatically attaching useful information like geolocation, session, or app version/build to every event.

Each event has an argument for custom contexts in order to attach information that isn't covered by standard contexts.

The custom context argument should consist of a List of SelfDescribingJson representing an array of one or more contexts. The format of each individual context element is the same as for an unstructured event (referring to the fact that it consists of a schema and data field - they're all self-describing JSONs).

If a visitor arrives on a page advertising a movie, the context dictionary might look like this:

"schema": "iglu:com.acme_company/movie_poster/jsonschema/2-1-1",
"data": {
"movieName": "The Guns of Navarone",
"posterCountry": "US",
"posterYear": "1961"

The corresponding Map can be used to create a SelfDescribingJson:

// Create a Map of the data you want to include...
Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("movie_name", "solaris");
dataMap.put("poster_country", "JP");
dataMap.put("poster_year", "1978");

// Now create your SelfDescribingJson object...
SelfDescribingJson context1 = new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/movie_poster/jsonschema/2-1-1", dataMap);

Sending the movie poster context with an event looks like this:

// Now add this JSON into a list of SelfDescribingJsons...
List<SelfDescribingJson> contexts = new ArrayList<>();

Note: even if there is only one custom context attached to the event, it still needs to be placed in an array.

More advanced methodsโ€‹

Tracking featuresโ€‹

Event typesโ€‹

ScreenView trackingโ€‹

Auto-tracking can be enabled to send screen view events whenever a screen is changed in the app.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)
PageView eventโ€‹

Use PageView events to track a user viewing a web page within your app:

EcommerceTransaction eventโ€‹

Use an e-commerce transaction event to track things like online purchases. Transaction items are attached to an e-commerce event in order to record individual items in a transaction.

Note: that tracking an e-commerce transaction sends multiple events: one transaction event for the transaction as a whole, and one transaction item event for each element of the items list. Each transaction item event will have the same timestamp, order_id, and currency as the main transaction event.

Here is an example:

// Create some Transaction Items
EcommerceTransactionItem item1 = EcommerceTransactionItem.builder()

EcommerceTransactionItem item2 = EcommerceTransactionItem.builder()

// Add these items to a List
List<EcommerceTransactionItem> items = new ArrayList<>();

// Now track the transaction by using this list of items as an argument

// Or include the items as varargs in the items section
.items(item1, item2)
Structured eventโ€‹

Use structured events to track a custom event happening in your app which fits the Google Analytics-style structure of having up to five fields (with only the first two required):

.label("Add To Basket")
Self-describing eventโ€‹

A SelfDescribingJson is used as a wrapper around either a TrackerPayload, another SelfDescribingJson or a Map object. After creating the object you want to wrap, you can create a SelfDescribingJson and track it like this:

// This is the Map we have created
Map<String, String> eventData = new HashMap<>();
eventData.put("Event", "Data")

// We wrap that map in a SelfDescribingJson before sending it
SelfDescribingJson json = new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/example/jsonschema/1-0-0", eventData);

// Now track the event
Timing eventโ€‹

Use a timing event to track a custom timing:

ConsentGranted eventโ€‹

Consent-granted events are used to track when a user consents to data collection:

.expiry("Monday, 19-Aug-05 15:52:01 UTC")
ConsentWithdrawn eventโ€‹

Consent-withdrawn events are used to track when a user withdraws consent to data collection:


.documentDescription("An example description")
.documentName("Consent document")

Consent documents (documents that detail an agreement around data privacy) can be attached to consent events where they're applicable.

When a consent event is sent for collection, the consent documents will be added as contexts.

For example:

// Create some consent documents
ConsentDocument document1 = ConsentDocument.builder()

ConsentDocument document2 = ConsentDocument.builder()
.documentName("document name")
.documentDescription("document description")

// Add these items to a List
List<ConsentDocument> documents = new ArrayList<>();

// Now Track the Transaction by using this list of items as an argument
.expiry("Monday, 19-Aug-05 15:52:01 UTC")
.documentDescription("An example description")
.documentName("Consent document")

Session trackingโ€‹

By default, no client session tracking is activated. Once enabled the tracker will start appending a client_session context to each event it sends and it will maintain this session information for the life of the application, i.e. as long as the application is installed on the device.

Sessions correspond to tracked user activity. A session expires when no tracking events have occurred for the amount of time defined in a timeout. When a session expires, the session ID is incremented and session checking will stop. There are two timeouts since a session can timeout in the foreground (while the app is visible) or in the background (when the app has been suspended, but not closed).

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder( ... )
.sessionContext(true) // To use the session context
.sessionCheckInterval(10) // Checks every 10 seconds (default is 15)
.foregroundTimeout(300) // Timeout after 5 minutes (default is 10)
.backgroundTimeout(120) // Timeout after 2 minutes (default is 5)
Foreground and background eventsโ€‹

Events can be sent whenever the app is foregrounded and backgrounded.

In order to enable these events, use the builder method lifecycleEvents during initialization of the tracker:

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(emitter, namespace, appId, this.getApplicationContext())

Foreground events are sent whenever an app is opened or resumed.

Background events are sent whenever an app is moved to the background.

Events are not sent on app close since the OS cannot guarantee advance notice of app closing.

Install trackingโ€‹

Auto-tracking can be enabled to send an install event whenever the tracker is used for the first time in an app. The tracker will record when it's first been installed, so deleting and reinstalling an app will trigger another install event.

If install auto-tracking is not enabled, the tracker will still keep track of when the app was first installed, so that when enabled, the tracker will send the recorded install event with a timestamp reflecting when it was first installed.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)
Crash trackingโ€‹

Auto-tracking for application crashes can be enabled to send events that capture exception information.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)

Standard contextsโ€‹

These are out-of-the-box tracker options that when enabled will attach useful contexts to every event.

Session contextโ€‹

The session context includes sessionization information like user ID and session ID that can be used to relate user activity patterns to events.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder( ... )
.sessionContext(true) // To use the session context
.sessionCheckInterval(10) // Checks every 10 seconds (default is 15)
.foregroundTimeout(300) // Timeout after 5 minutes (default is 10)
.backgroundTimeout(120) // Timeout after 2 minutes (default is 5)
Mobile contextโ€‹

The mobile context contains information like OS version, device model, carrier and more.

It is enabled when creating the tracker:

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)
Geolocation contextโ€‹

The geolocation context contains information like the coordinates, speed and bearing of the device.

It is enabled when creating the tracker:

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)

Note: Requires Location permissions accordingly to the requirements of the various Android versions. Otherwise the whole context is skipped.

Application contextโ€‹

The application context includes app build and version number.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)
Screen Contextโ€‹

The screen context contains information related to the current screen being viewed on the device when the event is created.

Tracker.init(new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(...)
GDPR Contextโ€‹

The GDPR context attaches a context with the GDPR basis for processing and the details of a related document (eg. a consent document) to all events which are fired after it is set.

It takes the following arguments:

basisForProcessingGDPR Basis for processingYesEnum String
documentIdID of a GDPR basis documentNoString
documentVersionVersion of the documentNoString
documentDescriptionDescription of the documentNoString

The required basisForProcessing accepts only the following literals: consent, contract, legal_obligation, vital_interests, public_task, legitimate_interests - in accordance with the five legal bases for processing

The GDPR context is enabled by calling the gdprContext method of the tracker builder or by calling the enableGdprContext method once the tracker has been initialised.

Setup on tracker settings:

Tracker.TrackerBuilder builder = new Tracker.TrackerBuilder(emitter, namespace, appId, appContext)
"a demo document description"

Setup on tracker already initialised:

"a demo document description"

Global Contextsโ€‹

Apart from the predefined contexts that are sent with every event, custom contexts are added to events individually. However there are times when we wish to attach a custom context to every event, or a set of events automatically. Global contexts are introduced to meet this requirement: send custom contexts with every event or a set of events based on criterias specified by the user.

Context primitivesโ€‹

Context primitive is a term for anything that can be used as a context. A context primitive is either a self-describing JSON, or a callback that creates a self-describing JSON.

Self-describing JSONโ€‹

Custom contexts are represented as self describing JSONs and they can be used as a global context when you'd like define a context that is attached to every event and its' content never changes.

Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
attributes.put("test-key-1", "test-value-1");
GlobalContext testCtx = new SelfDescribingJson("sdjExample", "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/test_sdj/jsonschema/1-0-1", attributes);
Context Generatorโ€‹

A context generator is a callback that returns a self describing JSON, representing a context. They are evaluated each time an event is sent, hence they meet the case where we would like to send a context based on event payload.

GlobalContext testCtx = new ContextGenerator() {
public SelfDescribingJson generate(TrackerPayload payload, String eventType, String eventSchema) {
return new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/test_event/jsonschema/1-0-0");

public String tag() {
return "testCtx";

Conditional Context Providersโ€‹

A conditional context provider is used when a global context only needs to be sent for certain events. Whereas context primitives are sent with every event without exception.

Filter Providerโ€‹

A Filter Provider is used to discriminate between events so we can attach global contexts only to certain events.

A Filter Provider has a callback, filter, returning a boolean which determines the events that this context primitive(s) will be added.

ContextPrimitive primitive = new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/test_event/jsonschema/1-0-0");
GlobalContext testCtx = new FilterProvider("test-tag", new ContextFilter() {
public boolean filter(TrackerPayload payload, String eventType, String eventSchema) {
return eventType.equals("se");
}, primitive);
Ruleset Providerโ€‹

A Ruleset Provider is used when you want to attach a global context to certain events based on the schema URI.

A Ruleset Provider has a RuleSet which has an allow list and a deny list. Both lists contain Iglu URIs which can be modified based on some syntactic rules.

In this example, the Ruleset Provider will attach the context primitive to events with the schema iglu:com.acme.*/*/jsonschema/*-*-*, but not to*/jsonschema/*-*-*.

ContextPrimitive primitive = new SelfDescribingJson("iglu:com.acme/test_event/jsonschema/1-0-0");
RuleSet ruleSet = new RuleSet("iglu:com.acme.*/*/jsonschema/*-*-*", "*/jsonschema/*-*-*");

GlobalContext testCtx = new RuleSetProvider("ruleSetExample", ruleSet, primitive);

Ruleset formatโ€‹

RuleSet's rules are the strings used to match against certain schemas, such as iglu:com.acme/*/jsonschema/*-*-*.

They follow the same five-part format as an Iglu URI:


with the exception that a wildcard can be used in an allowed fashion to refer to all applying cases.

The parts of a rule are wildcarded with certain guidelines:

  • asterisks cannot be used for the protocol (i.e. schemas always start with iglu:).
  • version matching must be specified like so: *-*-*, where any part of the versioning can be defined, e.g. 1-*-*, but only sequential parts are to be wildcarded, e.g. 1-*-1 is invalid but 1-*-* is valid.
  • at least two parts parts: com.acme.* is valid, while com.* is not.
  • vendors cannot be defined with non-wildcarded parts between wildcarded parts: com.acme.*.marketing.* is invalid, while com.acme.*.* is valid.

Emitter optionsโ€‹

These options are used to fine-tune the emitter.

Setting the request methodโ€‹

The request method used to connect to the collector, either: HttpMethod.GET, or HttpMethod.POST.

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required
.method(HttpMethod.GET) // Optional - Defines how we send the request

In a GET request, each event is sent in an individual request. In a POST request, events can be bundled together in one request.

Setting the emit timeoutโ€‹

The maximum timeout for emitting events

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

Configure the bufferโ€‹

A buffer is used to group events together in bulk before sending them. This is especially handy to reduce network usage. By default, the Emitter buffers up to 10 events together before sending them; only available if you are using POST as your request type.

The emitter sends the events as soon as it receives them. In case some of them haven't been sent yet, it sends them in a single emission at most until the number of events configured with the bufferOption setting.

The buffer can be configured when creating the emitter:

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required
.option(BufferOption.Single) // Optional - Defines how many events we bundle in a POST
SingleEvents are sent individually
DefaultGroupSends events in groups of 10 events or less
HeavyGroupSends events in groups of 25 events or less

Note: Buffer options will only ever influence how POST request are sent however. All GET requests will be sent individually.

Setting the protocolโ€‹

The protocol used to connect to the collector, either: RequestSecurity.HTTP, or RequestSecurity.HTTPS.

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required
.security(RequestSecurity.HTTPS) // Optional - Defines what protocol used to send events

Setting the TLS versionโ€‹

TLS is a cryptography protocol needed if you've chosen to send events over HTTPS.

To specify a specific version, supply TLSVersion (or for multiple versions, EnumSet<TLSVersion>) to the tls builder method:

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required
.tls(TLSVersion.TLSv1_2) // Optional - Defines what TLS versions are used for the request

Setting a callbackโ€‹

An emitter callback can be set which will be called with the count of successful and failed events.

First create the callback you'd like to define, and then supply it to an emitter:

RequestCallback callback = new RequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(int successCount) {
Log.d("Tracker", "Buffer length for POST/GET:" + successCount);
public void onFailure(int successCount, int failureCount) {
Log.d("Tracker", "Failures: " + failureCount + "; Successes: " + successCount);

Emitter emitter = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context)

Send limitโ€‹

The number of events retrieved from storage in the database whenever the emitter needs more to send.

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

GET byte limitโ€‹

The maximum data size of GET requests made by the emitter to send events.

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

POST byte limitโ€‹

The maximum data size of POST requests made by the emitter to send events.

Emitter e2 = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

Advanced Emitter optionsโ€‹

[Available from 1.6.0]

The Emitter can be configured to delegate to separate components the events persistence (EventStore) and the network connection to the collector (NetworkConnection).

Set the EventStoreโ€‹

The EventStore is the component in charge for storing the events before to be sent to the collector. It ensures that no one of the events can be lost in cases where the collector is not reachable or the app suddenly crashes. The default EventStore used by the emitter is the SQLiteEventStore based on the SQLite database.

The Emitter can be configured to use a custom EventStore that implements the interface EventStore.

EventStore customEventStore = new MyCustomEventStore();
Emitter emitter = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

Note: The EventStore is a key component in the lifecycle of the tracker. If you substitute it with your own EventStore be sure that it works as expected otherwise it can cause loss of events.

Set the NetworkConnectionโ€‹

The NetworkConnection is the component in charge for sending the events to the collector. The default NetworkConnection used by the emitter is the OkHttpNetworkConnection.

The Emitter can be configured to use a custom NetworkConnection that implements the interface NetworkConnection.

NetworkConnection customNetworkConnection = new MyCustomNetworkConnection();
Emitter emitter = new Emitter
.EmitterBuilder("com.collector.acme", Context context) // Required

Note: The Emitter settings about the collector endpoint are by-passed in favour of the NetworkConnection when it's set in the Emitter configuration.

AAID trackingโ€‹

The AAID (Android Advertising ID) is a unique user-resettable identifier, which uniquely identifies a particular user for advertising use cases, such as ad personalization. The tracker allows retrieval of the AAID, sending it as property androidIdfa as part of the mobile_context JSON which is attached to each mobile event.

For privacy purposes the user can reset the identifier at any moment. In that case the tracker will report a new AAID, despite the device and user being the same as before. Also, the user can "Opt out of Ads Personalisation" from the Android settings menu. In that case the tracker will report an empty string in place of the AAID.

If you want to track the AAID, you need to add the Google Mobile Ads library to your app. If it isn't included, the tracker will not send the AAID with the events.

The Google Mobile Ads can be imported in the dependencies section of the build.gradle adding:

dependencies {
implementation ''

The Google Mobile Ads SDK v.17.0.0 introduced some changes requiring a tag in the androidManifest.xml explained below.

Manifest tag for AdMob publishersโ€‹

AdMob publishers have to add the AdMob app ID in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<!-- TODO: Replace with your real AdMob app ID -->

Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message starting with "The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly".

Manifest tag for Google Ad Manager publishersโ€‹

Publishers using Google Ad Manager have to declare the app an "Ad Manager app" in the AndroidManifest.xml file:


Failure to add this tag will result in the app crashing at app launch with a message starting with "The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly".


[Available from 1.6.0]

The tracker is tested with different platforms and versions but there are rare situations where an error can be generated. The tracker will manage these errors to avoid crashes of the app and assure that the events are not lost.

However, it can be useful to observe logs and errors from the tracker in order to narrow down a possible issue. Perhaps due to a mistake in the instrumentation of the tracker in the app or other unexpected behavior.

We let the developer to have a full visibility of the tracker logs. Please, take care to avoid sharing of sensitive information through the logs when in production environment.

At tracker configuration you can decide which log level you want to filter logs to:

TrackerBuilder trackerBuilder =
new TrackerBuilder(emitter, namespace, appId, appContext)

There are four levels of logging: off (log disabled), error, debug, verbose.

In the example above, all logs will be sent to the system logs. Usually visible through Logcat, which is a system log module. It contains all the device errors and warnings.

It's also possible to handle the tracker logs directly in the app for troubleshooting purposes. You need to implement the interface LoggerDelegate where you will receive all the log messages based on the log level selected.
In the tracker configuration you have to set the log level and register the logger delegate. Pass a reference of a class instance that implements the LoggerDelegate interface.

public class MyApp implements LoggerDelegate {


private void setupMyTracker() {
TrackerBuilder trackerBuilder =
new TrackerBuilder(emitter, namespace, appId, appContext)


// - LoggerDelegate methods

public void error(String tag, String msg) { ... }

public void debug(String tag, String msg) { ... }

public void verbose(String tag, String msg) { ... }

Diagnostic trackingโ€‹

[Available from 1.4.0]

A third option, suitable for issues happening in a production environment, is diagnostic tracking.

Errors happening in the tracker can be reported to the collector as diagnostic_error events.
If you enable the diagnostic feature the log level will be automatically set to error level.

To activate this feature you only need to enable trackerDiagnostic:

TrackerBuilder trackerBuilder =
new TrackerBuilder(emitter, namespace, appId, appContext)

API Referenceโ€‹

For documentation detailing the entire Android tracking SDK, please refer to the API reference found here.

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