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Page view tracking

Page view events are tracked using the trackPageView method. This is generally part of the first Snowplow tag to fire, or first method to be called, on a particular web page. As a result, the trackPageView method is usually deployed straight after the tag that also invokes the Snowplow JavaScript (sp.js).

Tracking a page view

Page view events must be manually tracked.

import { trackPageView } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker';


This method automatically captures the URL, referrer URL and page title (inferred from the <title> tag). The first page view tracked uses document.referrer for the referrer URL, while for subsequent page views it is the previous page URL.

It's possible to override the URL and referrer URL.

If you wish, you can also override the title with a custom value:

import { trackPageView } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker';

trackPageView({ title: 'my custom page title' });

Context callback

As with all trackX methods, trackPageView can be passed an array of custom context entities as an additional parameter.

Additionally, you can pass a function which returns an array of zero or more context entities to trackPageView. For the page view and for all subsequent page pings, the function will be called and the context entities it returns will be added to the event.

For example:

// Turn on page pings every 10 seconds
snowplow('enableActivityTracking', {
minimumVisitLength: 10,
heartbeatDelay: 10

snowplow('trackPageView', {
// The usual array of static context entities
context: [{
schema: 'iglu:com.acme/static_context/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: {
staticValue: new Date().toString()
// Function which returns an array of custom context entities
// Gets called once per page view / page ping
contextCallback: function() {
return [{
schema: 'iglu:com.acme/dynamic_context/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: {
dynamicValue: new Date().toString()

In this example, the tracked page view and every subsequent page ping will have both a static_context and a dynamic_context attached. The static_contexts will all have the same staticValue, but the dynamic_contexts will have different dynamicValues since a new context is created for every event.

WebPage (page view ID) context entity

When the JavaScript Tracker loads on a page, it generates a new page view UUID. If the webPage context entity is enabled, then an entity containing this UUID is attached to all events.

From v3 of the web tracker, the webPage entity is enabled by default. We advise you leave this enabled so you can use the Snowplow Web Data Model.

To disable this entity, set "webPage": false in the "contexts" object within the tracker configuration object.

Web page entity properties

The web_page context entity consists of the following property:

idAn identifier (UUID) for the page view.Yes

Reset page ping on page view

By default the tracker will reset the Page Ping timers, which were configured when enableActivityTracking is called, as well as reset the attached webPage context entities on all future Page Pings when a new trackPageView event occurs. This is enabled by default as of 2.13.0 and is particularly useful for Single Page Applications (SPA). If you previously relied on this behavior, you can disable this functionality by specifying resetActivityTrackingOnPageView: false in the configuration object on tracker initialisation.

Get page view ID

When the JavaScript Tracker loads on a page, it generates a new page view UUID as mentioned above.

It's possible to retrieve certain properties for use in your code, including the page view UUID, user ID, and cookie values, using a tracker callback. This is an advanced usage of the tracker.

If you call snowplow with a function as the argument, the function will be executed when sp.js loads:

snowplow(function () {
console.log("sp.js has loaded");

Or equivalently:

snowplow(function (x) {
}, "sp.js has loaded");

The callback you provide is executed as a method on the internal trackerDictionary object. This means that you can access the trackerDictionary using this.

// Configure a tracker instance named "sp"
snowplow('newTracker', 'sp', '{{COLLECTOR_URL}', {
appId: 'snowplowExampleApp'

// Access the tracker instance inside a callback
snowplow(function () {
var sp = this.sp;
var domainUserId = sp.getDomainUserId();

The callback function should not be a method:

// TypeError: Illegal invocation
snowplow(console.log, "sp.js has loaded");

This will not work because the value of this in the console.log function will be the trackerDictionary rather than console.

You can get around this problem using Function.prototoype.bind as follows:

snowplow(console.log.bind(console), "sp.js has loaded");

For more on execution context in JavaScript, see the MDN page.

To get the page view ID, use the getPageViewId method:

// Access the tracker instance inside a callback
snowplow(function () {
var sp = this.sp;
var pageViewId = sp.getPageViewId();

When is the page view ID generated

The first page view ID after loading a page is available even before the first page view is tracked. That means that events tracked before the first page view have the same page view ID as the first page view event.

In single page apps, multiple page URLs might be visited while the same app is in memory. This brings up a question when are the second and following page view IDs generated. Normally, they are generated when the second and following page view events are tracked.

In some cases, it may be desirable to generate a new page view ID for the second page URL before the page view event is tracked. For instance, the page may track multiple async events during the page load (e.g., for A/B testing) and we can't ensure that they will be tracked after the page view event (but still want them to share the same page view ID as the page view event).

The tracker provides a configuration option, preservePageViewIdForUrl, that enables binding the generation of the page view ID to the changes in the page URL. That means that the page view ID will change along with changes in the URL for all events regardless of which order they are tracked in. The options are:

  • false (default) – the pageViewId will be regenerated on the second and each following page view event (first page view doesn't change the page view ID since tracker initialization).
  • true or 'full' – the pageViewId will be kept the same for all page views with that exact URL (even for events tracked before the page view event).
  • 'pathname' – the pageViewId will be kept the same for all page views with the same pathname (search params or fragment may change).
  • 'pathnameAndSearch' – the pageViewId will be kept the same for all page views with the same pathname and search params (fragment may change).
  • preservePageViewId – the preservePageViewIdForUrl setting is ignored.
snowplow('newTracker', 'sp', 'https://{{collector_url_here}}', {
preservePageViewIdForUrl: 'pathname'