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Configuring cookie and storage settings

Snowplow allows for a highly configurable cookie set up. This allows for you to create optimal first party tracking in a privacy-first world, including anonymous and cookieless tracking.

Flow charts

In the PDF below you'll find a flow chart to help you with your cookie configuration, guiding you through the configuration options for both your Snowplow Collector and the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker.

Set the cookie name for the tracker instance using the cookieName field of the configuration object. The default is “sp“. Snowplow uses two cookies, a domain cookie and a session cookie. In the default case, their names are “_sp_id” and “_sp_ses” respectively. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Snowplow, you should use the default cookie name so that the cookies set by the earlier version are still remembered. Otherwise you should provide a new name to prevent clashes with other Snowplow users on the same page.

Once set, you can retrieve a cookie name thanks to the getCookieName(basename) method where basename is id or ses for the domain and session cookie respectively. As an example, you can retrieve the complete name of the domain cookie with getCookieName('id').

If your website spans multiple subdomains e.g.


You will want to track user behavior across all those subdomains, rather than within each individually. As a result, it is important that the domain for your first party cookies is set to ‘’ rather than ‘’. By doing so, any values that are stored on the cookie on one of subdomain will be accessible on all the others.

Although it's possible to set this manually, we recommend that you enable automatic discovery and setting of the root domain, using the optional discoverRootDomain field of the configuration object. If it is set to true, the tracker automatically discovers and sets the configCookieDomain value to the root domain.


If you have been setting this manually please note that the automatic detection does not prepend a ‘.’ to the domain. For example a root domain of “” would become “”. This is because the library we use for setting cookies doesn’t care about the difference.

This will then result in a different domain hash, so we recommend that if you have been setting this manually with a leading ‘.’ to continue to do so manually.

To set the domain manually, use the cookieDomain field of the configuration object. If this field is not set, the cookies will not be given a domain.


Changing the cookie domain will reset all existing cookies. As a result, it might be a major one-time disruption to data analytics because all visitors to the website will receive a new domain_userid.

Whenever a tracker is initialized on your domain, it will set domain-specific visitor’s cookies. By default, these cookies will be active for 2 years. You can change this duration using the cookieLifetime configuration object parameter or setVisitorCookieTimeout method.

snowplow('newTracker', 'cf', '{{COLLECTOR_URL}}', {
cookieLifetime: 86400 * 31,


snowplow('setVisitorCookieTimeout', 86400 * 30);  // 30 days

If cookieLifetime is set to 0, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes). If set to -1, the first-party cookies will be disabled.

Whenever an event fires, the Tracker creates a session cookie. If the cookie didn’t previously exist, the Tracker interprets this as the start of a new session.

By default the session cookie expires after 30 minutes. This means that a user leaving the site and returning in under 30 minutes does not change the session. You can override this default by setting sessionCookieTimeout to a duration (in seconds) in the configuration object. For example,

sessionCookieTimeout: 3600

would set the session cookie lifespan to an hour.

Set the cookie samesite attribute for the tracker instance using the cookieSameSite field of the configuration object. The default is None for backward compatibility reasons, however Lax is likely a better option for most use cases given the reasons below. Valid values are "Strict", "Lax", "None" or null. null will not set the SameSite attribute.

It is recommended to set either "None" or "Lax". You must use "None" if using the tracker in a third party iframe. "Lax" is good in all other cases and must be used if not setting Secure to true.

Safari 12 issue with SameSite cookies

It's been noted that Safari 12 doesn't persist cookies with SameSite: None as expected which can lead to rotation of the domain_userid from users using this browser. You should switch to cookieSameSite: 'Lax' in your tracker configuration to solve this, unless you are tracking inside a third party iframe.

Set the cookie secure attribute for the tracker instance using the cookieSecure field of the configuration object. The default is "true". Valid values are "true" or "false".

It is recommended to set this to "true". This must be set to "false" if using the tracker on non-secure HTTP.

Storage strategy

Three strategies are made available to store the Tracker’s state: cookies, local storage or no storage at all. You can set the strategy with the help of the stateStorageStrategy parameter in the configuration object to “cookieAndLocalStorage” (the default), “cookie”, “localStorage” or “none” respectively.

When choosing local storage, the Tracker will additionally store events in local storage before sending them so that they can be recovered if the user leaves the page before they are sent.

Local storage queue size

Because most browsers limit local storage to around 5mb per site, you may want to limit the number of events the tracker will queue in local storage if they fail to send. The default is a max queue size of 1000, but you may wish to reduce this if your web application also makes use local storage. To do so, you should set the optional maxLocalStorageQueueSize field of the configuration object is set to your desired value (e.g. 500).

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