ActionScript3 Tracker
The Snowplow Actionscript 3 (AS3) Tracker allows you to track Snowplow events from a Flash movie, Flex application or Adobe AIR application.
The tracker should be straightforward to use if you are comfortable with AS3 development.
📄️ Setup
Integration options
📄️ Initialisation
Assuming you have completed the Actionscript 3 Tracker Setup for your project, you are now ready to initialize the AS3 Tracker.
📄️ Adding extra data: the Subject class
You may have additional information about your application's environment, current user and so on, which you want to send to Snowplow with each event.
📄️ Tracking specific events
| Function | \*Description |
📄️ Sending event: Emitter
Events are sent using an Emitter class. You can initialize a class with a collector endpoint URL and optionally choose the HTTP POST method instead of GET.
📄️ Payload
A Payload interface is used for implementing a TrackerPayload and SchemaPayload, but accordingly, can be used to implement your own Payload class if you choose.