Setup Iglu Server
For more information on the architecture of the Iglu server, please read the technical documentation.
Available on Terraform Registry
A Terraform module is available which deploys an Iglu Server on AWS EC2 without the need for this manual setup.
1. Run the Iglu server
Iglu Server is published on Docker Hub.
$ docker pull snowplow/iglu-server:0.14.0
The application is configured by passing a hocon file on the command line:
$ docker run --rm \
-v $PWD/config.hocon:/iglu/config.hocon \
snowplow/iglu-server:0.14.0 --config /iglu/config.hocon
Alternatively, you can download and run a jar file from the github release.
$ java -jar iglu-server-0.14.0.jar --config /path/to/config.hocon
Here is an example of a minimal configuration file:
"database": {
"host": "postgres"
"dbname": "igludb"
"username": "postgres"
"password": "mysecret"
"superApiKey": "bb7b7503-40d3-459c-943a-f8d31a6f5638"
See the configuration reference for a complete description of all parameters.
We also provide a docker-compose.yml to help you get started.
2. Initialize the database
Iglu Server has been successfully tested with PostgreSQL 16.3, but should work with PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer.
With a fresh install you need to manually create the database:
$ psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE igludb"
And then use the setup
command of the iglu server to create the database tables:
$ docker run --rm \
-v $PWD/config.hocon:/iglu/config.hocon \
snowplow/iglu-server:0.14.0 setup --config /iglu/config.hocon
3. Use the API key generation service
The super API key you put in the configuration file is able to generate further API keys for your clients through the API key generation service.
To generate a pair of read and write API keys for a specific vendor prefix, simply send a POST
request to this URL using your super API key in an apikey
HTTP header:
For example:
curl \
HOST/api/auth/keygen \
-H 'apikey: your_super_apikey' \
-d '{"vendorPrefix":"com.acme"}'
Note: From 0.6.0+ the vendor prefix should be vendorPrefix
within a JSON body however prior to this it was vendor_prefix
as a query parameter.
You should receive a JSON response like this one:
"read": "an-uuid",
"write": "another-uuid"
If you need to revoke a specific API key, you can do so by sending a DELETE
request to the following endpoint:
For example:
curl \
HOST/api/auth/keygen \
-H 'apikey: your_super_apikey' \
-d 'key=some-uuid'
You should now be all set up to use the Iglu server, if you would like to know more about the Iglu server, please read the technical documentation.
Dummy mode
Since 0.6.0 Iglu Server supports new dummy DB mode. In this mode, Server does not require persistent storage as PostgreSQL and stores all data in memory. Use this for debug purposes only, all your data will be lost after restart.
To enable dummy mode, you need to set database.type
setting to "dummy"
Dummy Iglu Server works with single hardcoded master API key - 48b267d7-cd2b-4f22-bae4-0f002008b5ad
, which you can use to upload your schemas and create new api keys.
Iglu Server uses SLF4J Simple Logger underneath. Which can be configured via system properties.
For example:
$ iglu-server-0.14.0.jar \
-Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.logFile=server.log # In order to redirect logs \ # To suppress very verbose SelectorLoop output
On debug loglevel SchemaService
will print all HTTP requests and responses.