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Consent and GDPR tracking

Track user consent preferences selection events using the Enhanced Consent plugin. Additionally, add a context entity containing GDPR details to every event using the original Consent plugin.

Enhanced consent events must be manually tracked. The GDPR context entity will be automatically tracked with all events if configured.

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Available on jsDelivrjsDelivr (latest)
Available on unpkgunpkg (latest)
['snowplowEnhancedConsentTracking', 'EnhancedConsentPlugin']

The plugin is available since version 3.8 of the tracker.


APIUsed for:
trackConsentAllowTrack an acceptance of user consent.
trackConsentSelectedTrack a specific selection of consented scopes.
trackConsentPendingTrack the unconfirmed selection about user consent.
trackConsentImplicitTrack the implicit consent on user consent preferences.
trackConsentDenyTrack a denial of user consent.
trackConsentExpiredTrack the expiration of a consent selection.
trackConsentWithdrawnTrack the withdrawal of user consent.
trackCmpVisibleTrack the render time of a CMP banner.

With the exception of the CMP visible event, these methods use the same consent_preferences event schema. It has the following properties:

basisForProcessingstringGDPR lawful basis for data collection & processing.
consentUrlstringURI of the privacy policy related document.
consentVersionstringVersion of the privacy policy related document.
consentScopesstring[]The scopes allowed after the user finalized their selection of consent preferences. E.g ['analytics', 'functional', 'advertisement'].
domainsAppliedstring[]The domains for which this consent allows these preferences to persist to.
gdprAppliesbooleanDetermine if GDPR applies based on the user's geo-location.

To track the complete acceptance of a user consent prompt, you can use the trackConsentAllow method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentAllow:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

To track the specific selection of scopes of a user consent preferences, you can use the trackConsentSelected method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentSelected:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

Some consent management platform installations, allow the user to take website actions or/and navigating to other pages without accepting the consent prompt. To track the unconfirmed selection of user consent, you can use the trackConsentPending method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentPending:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

Some consent management platforms have a configuration which allows the setting of consent implicitly after a set of user interactions like clicks, scroll etc. To track the implicit selection of a user consent, you can use the trackConsentImplicit method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentImplicit:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

To track the complete denial of a user consent, you can use the trackConsentDeny method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentDeny:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

To track the expiration of a user consent, you can use the trackConsentExpired method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentExpired:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

To track the withdrawal of a user consent, you can use the trackConsentWithdrawn method with the following attributes:

window.snowplow("trackConsentWithdrawn:{trackerName}", {
consentScopes: ["necessary", "marketing", "personalization"],
basisForProcessing: "consent",
consentUrl: "",
consentVersion: "1.0",
domainsApplied: [""],
gdprApplies: true

CMP visible

Consent management platform banners are an important part of a website’s first impression and performance. Snowplow provides a way to track what we call elapsedTime, which is the timestamp of the consent management platform banner becoming visible on the user’s screen.

window.snowplow("trackCmpVisible:{trackerName}", {
/* Using the API to retrieve the elapsed time from the page navigation. */

The CMP visible event uses this schema.

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