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Databricks Notebook

You can create custom visualisations including dashboards using a Datrabricks notebook.

Step 1: Clone repository

Download the databricks notebook file from our repo to get started.

git clone --depth 1  --filter=blob:none --sparse ; 
cd snowplow-accelerator-resources
git sparse-checkout set advanced-analytics-web-accelerator/databricks-notebook

Step 2: Import the notebook

Go to your Databricks Workspace and click on the Down Arrowhead sign then select Import. Browse to the downloaded snowplow_advanced_analytics_for_web.ipynb notebook and click Import.

image alt text

For further information on this, check out the official Databricks documentation

Step 3: Attach the notebook to your cluster

Before you can do any work, you must first attach the notebook to a cluster.

To attach a notebook to a cluster:

  1. In the notebook toolbar, click Detached.


  1. From the drop-down, select a cluster.

Step 4: Change source table schemas and or variables

The predefined SQL statements all refer to the derived schema. Make sure to update this to your own schema before attempting to run the notebook. It should be [your_dbt_schema]_derived.

You can do this quickly by using the Edit / Find and replace functionality.

Step 5: Run the notebook

Click on Run all which you can find in the toolbar at the top of the page. It should take a minute or so to have everything refreshed. Once finished you can go to View and click on Results only to see the outcome without the code snippets.

Step 6: Check out the dashboard

Head over to Views/web_accelerator under dashboards to open the corresponding dashboard as well.