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An enrichment either updates or populates fields of the atomic event or adds a self-describing context to derived_contexts. For this project, we need to enable the YAUAA enrichment and also it is highly advised to enable the IAB Spiders & Robots enrichment.


YAUAA (Yet Another User Agent Analyzer) enrichment is a powerful user agent parser and analyzer.

It uses the YAUAA API to parse and analyze all user agent information of an HTTP request and extract as many relevant information as possible about the user’s device and browser, like for instance the device class (Phone, Tablet, etc.).

The YAUAA enrichment is required in the web performance measurement context in order to be able to properly segment your data based on device, user agent name, version and more.

Enabling it in BDP

For BDP users, you can navigate under your selected pipeline Enrichments section and find the YAUAA enrichment. Click on the enrichment for instructions on how to enable it or contact us.


Open source

For Snowplow open source users, you can refer to the enrichment documentation.

IAB Spiders & Robots

The IAB Spiders & Robots enrichment uses the IAB/ABC International Spiders and Bots List to determine whether an event was produced by a user or a robot/spider based on its’ IP address and user agent.

Spiders & bots are sometimes considered a necessary evil of the web. We want search engine crawlers to find our site, but we also don’t want a lot of non-human traffic clouding our reporting.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is an advertising business organization that develops industry standards, conducts research, and provides legal support for the online advertising industry. Their internationally recognized list of spiders and bots is regularly maintained to try and identify the IP addresses of known bots and spiders.

The IAB enrichment should be used to filter out web performance measurements coming from known bots and spiders that can add anomalies and noise to the analysis process.

Enabling it in BDP

For BDP users, you can navigate under your selected pipeline Enrichments section and find the IAB enrichment. Click on the enrichment for instructions on how to enable it or contact us.


Open source

For Snowplow open source users, you can refer to the enrichment documentation.