Clear History

Tracking Events

A few words about our web trackers

The trackers create data on user actions at a specific point in time. For example:

  • Loading a web page
  • Clicking a link
  • Submitting a form

A number of tracking events are available out of the box. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Page views
  • Heartbeats (Page Pings)
  • Link clicks
  • HTML form actions

In this section we will focus on tracking page views and transactions which are the bare minimum to run the fractribution package.


In this section, we will implement page views.

Step 1: Track Page View

To track a page view, simply call `trackPageView'.


Transaction events

In addition to pageviews, we need to track transactions in order to determine when a user has converted and how much they spent.

  • Transaction Tracking - Captures transaction events that are used to track the successful completion of a purchase/transaction on your e-commerce store

Step 2: Perform Transaction Tracking


To track a completed transaction you can use the trackTransaction method with the following attributes:

/* {trackerName} is a placeholder for the initialized tracker on your page.  */

window.snowplow("trackTransaction:{trackerName}", {
  • Where transaction_id is the ID of the transaction.
  • Where revenue is the total value of the transaction.
  • Where currency is the currency used for the transaction.
  • Where payment_method is the payment method used for the transaction.
  • Where total_quantity is the total quantity of items in the transaction.
  • Where tax is the total amount of tax on the transaction.
  • Where shipping is the total cost of shipping on the transaction.
  • Where discount_code is the discount code used.
  • Where discount_amount is the discount amount taken off.
  • Where credit_order is whether the transaction is a credit order or not.
  • Where products is an array of products included on the transaction.

Example usage:

window.snowplow("trackTransaction:{trackerName}", {
  transaction_id: "T12345",
  revenue: 230,
  currency: "USD",
  payment_method: "credit_card",
  total_quantity: 1,
  tax: 20,
  shipping: 10,
  products: [
      id: "P125",
      name: "Baseball T",
      brand: "Snowplow",
      category: "Mens/Apparel",
      price: 200,
      inventory_status: "in stock",
      currency: "USD",
      position: 3,


In this section, we will implement page views.

Step 1: Track Page View

To track a page view, simply call `trackPageView’ when a new page is being shown to the user.

import { newTracker, trackPageView, enableActivityTracking } from "@snowplow/browser-tracker";


Transaction events

In addition to pageviews, we need to track transactions in order to determine when a user has converted and how much they spent.

  • Transaction Tracking - Captures transaction events that are used to track the successful completion of a purchase/transaction on your e-commerce store

Step 2: Perform Transaction Tracking


To track a completed transaction you can use the trackTransaction method with the following attributes:

import { trackTransaction } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce";

  • Where transaction_id is the ID of the transaction.
  • Where revenue is the total value of the transaction.
  • Where currency is the currency used for the transaction.
  • Where payment_method is the payment method used for the transaction.
  • Where total_quantity is the total quantity of items in the transaction.
  • Where tax is the total amount of tax on the transaction.
  • Where shipping is the total cost of shipping on the transaction.
  • Where discount_code is the discount code used.
  • Where discount_amount is the discount amount taken off.
  • Where credit_order is whether the transaction is a credit order or not.
  • Where products is an array of products included on the transaction.

Example usage:

import { trackTransaction } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce";

  transaction_id: "T12345",
  revenue: 230,
  currency: "USD",
  payment_method: "credit_card",
  total_quantity: 1,
  tax: 20,
  shipping: 10,
  products: [
      id: "P125",
      name: "Baseball T",
      brand: "Snowplow",
      category: "Mens/Apparel",
      price: 200,
      inventory_status: "in stock",
      currency: "USD",
      position: 3,

Where product can have the following attributes:

idstringSKU or product ID.
currencystringCurrency in which the product is being priced (ISO 4217).
pricenumberPrice of the product at the current time.
namestringName or title of the product.
categorystringCategory the product belongs to. Use a consistent separator to express multiple levels. E.g. Woman/Shoes/Sneakers. The number of levels is defined by the user.
list_pricenumberRecommended or list price of a product.
quantitynumberQuantity of the product taking part in the action. Used for Cart events.
sizestringSize of the product. E.g. XL, XS, M.
variantstringVariant of the product. E.g. Red, Heavy, Leather.
brandstringBrand of the product.
inventory_statusstringInventory status of the product. E.g. in stock, out of stock, preorder, backorder.
positionnumberPosition the product was presented in a list of products. Used in Product List events.
creative_idstringIdentifier/Name/Url for the creative presented on a list or product view.

For more information on the e-commerce tracking, you can take a look at the documentation for this plugin and its methods.

or check out the Ecommerce accelerator