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Add Enrichment

Snowplow offers a large number of enrichments that can be used to enhance your event data. An enrichment either updates or populates fields of the atomic event or adds a self-describing context to derived_contexts.

For this project, we need to enable the campaign attribution enrichment.

Campaign Attribution

The campaign attribution enrichment takes the UTM parameters (or other marketing parameters from other systems) from a given URL and splits them out into separate columns that can subsequently be used for analysis. The snowplow-fractribution package needs these columns for its analysis.

For BDP Cloud users adding enrichments is fairly straightforward: Simply click on Enabled/Disabled to change the status of the enrichment for your pipeline under Enrichments:


For Open Source users adding enrichments can be achieved by adding the following json file to your enrichment configuration:


	"schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/campaign_attribution/jsonschema/1-0-1",
	"data": {
		"name": "campaign_attribution",
		"vendor": "com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow",
		"enabled": true,
		"parameters": {
			"mapping": "static",
			"fields": {
				"mktMedium": ["utm_medium"],
				"mktSource": ["utm_source"],
				"mktTerm": ["utm_term"],
				"mktContent": ["utm_content"],
				"mktCampaign": ["utm_campaign"]

Enabling this enrichment will populate the mkt_medium, mkt_source, mkt_term, mkt_content and mkt_campaign columns in your events table, according to the mapping specified in the enrichment. For full details on each of these enriched fields please refer to the full documentation available here.