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Upload sample data

flowchart LR id1(Upload)-->id2(Model)-->id3(Visualize)-->id4(Track)-->id5(Next steps) style id1 fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#6638B8,stroke-width:3px style id2 fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px style id3 fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px style id4 fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px style id5 fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px

A sample events dataset for your warehouse has been provided. This will allow you to be able to start data modeling and getting familiar with Snowplow event data, without the need to have a working pipeline. This chapter will guide you through this process.