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Set up your tracking

Depending on your store’s front-end infrastructure and Snowplow set-up, you can use either our JavaScript tracker for a <script> tag option or our Browser tracker for a more modern web development set-up.

In both options, the API is similar with only minor differences in the set-up and method calls.

Step 1: Install browser-tracker package

Install the @snowplow/browser-tracker and @snowplow/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce via npm, yarn or any other package manager of your choice. Example using npm:

npm install @snowplow/browser-tracker @snowplow/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce

Step 2: Create the tracker

In your src folder, create a file called tracker.js. Inside it create the tracker object using the snippet below to use it anywhere in the application:

  • Tracker Name: 'sp'
  • Collector Url: '{{Url for Collector}}'
import { newTracker } from "@snowplow/browser-tracker";

export const tracker = newTracker("sp", "{{Url for Collector}}", {
  /* tracker options */

In addition to the basic tracker, you can add any number of options for using Snowplow’s more advanced features. See more on our documentation.

Step 3: Configure the tracker to use the SnowplowEcommercePlugin

To allow the tracker to use e-commerce methods from the SnowplowEcommercePlugin, you need to include during the initialization of the tracker. By adding it on the plugins array, you gain access to the full functionality:

import { newTracker } from "@snowplow/browser-tracker";
import { SnowplowEcommercePlugin } from "@snowplow/browser-plugin-snowplow-ecommerce";

export const tracker = newTracker("sp", "{{Url for Collector}}", {
  /* tracker options */
  plugins: [SnowplowEcommercePlugin()],

Now the tracker has everything required to start collecting e-commerce action data. On the next step we are going to see how to use the available APIs.

Step 1: Download sp.js

Add the sp.js file in your project and add it to a link-accessible server directory e.g. public/. The latest version can be found here.

Step 2: Add the Snowplow JavaScript snippet

Add the below snippet to all of the pages you would like to use Snowplow tracking. Make sure to update the {{Link to the sp.js file}} variable.

Place the <script> tag into the <head> element of your pages:

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function (p, l, o, w, i, n, g) {
    if (!p[i]) {
      p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace = p.GlobalSnowplowNamespace || [];
      p[i] = function () {
        (p[i].q = p[i].q || []).push(arguments);
      p[i].q = p[i].q || [];
      n = l.createElement(o);
      g = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
      n.async = 1;
      n.src = w;
      g.parentNode.insertBefore(n, g);
  })(window, document, "script", "{{Link to sp.js file}}", "snowplow");

Step 3: Configure the global tracker instance

You can now create the newTracker, with the following arguments. This creates an instance of a basic tracker without any additional context.

  • Tracker Name: 'sp'
  • Collector Url: '{{Url for Collector}}'
window.snowplow("newTracker", "sp", "{{Url for Collector}}", {
  /* tracker options */

In addition to the basic tracker, you can add any number of options for using Snowplow’s more advanced features. See more on our documentation.

Step 4: Configure the tracker to use the SnowplowEcommercePlugin

To add the SnowplowEcommercePlugin on the JavaScript tracker and enable the usage of the e-commerce API, you should include it as shown below:

❗❗NOTE: The script below should be executed before any e-commerce API can be called successfully.

  ["snowplowEcommerceAccelerator", "SnowplowEcommercePlugin"]

Now the tracker has everything required to start collecting e-commerce action data. On the next step we are going to see how to use the available APIs.