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Set up your tracking

Setting up Snowplow e-commerce tracking starts with installing and setting up the tracker as for any Snowplow implementation. Read more here.

Step 1: Install tracker dependency

To install Snowplow Tracker with SPM:

  1. In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  2. Add the url where to download the library:

Step 2: Create the tracker

In your app, create the tracker.

  1. In your application delegate AppDelegate.swift add import SnowplowTracker.

  2. In the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method, set up the SDK as follows:

    let tracker = Snowplow.createTracker(
     namespace: "appTracker",
     endpoint: ""

    The URL path for your collector endpoint should include the protocol, “http” or “https”. If not included in the URL, “https” connection will be used by default. The tracker namespace will be attached to all events, and is especially useful when multiple trackers are instrumented in the same app (with different configuration or endpoint).

  3. It creates a tracker instance which can be used to track events like this:

    let event = PromotionViewEvent(promotion: PromotionEntity(id: "IP1234"))

    If you prefer to access the tracker when the reference is not directly accessible, you can use the defaultTracker :


Step 1: Install tracker dependency

The Android Tracker SDK can be installed using Gradle.


Add into your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  // Snowplow Android Tracker
  implementation 'com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-android-tracker:5.+'
  // In case 'lifecycleAutotracking' is enabled
  implementation 'androidx.lifecycle-extensions:2.2.+'

Step 2: Create the tracker

In your app, create the tracker.

  1. In your Application subclass, set up the SDK as follows:

    val tracker = Snowplow.createTracker(
      applicationContext, // Android context (LocalContext.current in Compose apps)
      "appTracker", // namespace
      "" // Event collector URL

    The URL path for your collector endpoint should include the protocol, “http” or “https”. If not included in the URL, “https” connection will be used by default. The tracker namespace will be attached to all events, and is especially useful when multiple trackers are instrumented in the same app (with different configuration or endpoint).

  2. It creates a tracker instance which can be used to track events like this:

    val event = PromotionViewEvent(PromotionEntity(id = "IP1234"))

    If you prefer to access the tracker when the reference is not directly accessible, you can use the defaultTracker :


Step 1: Install tracker dependency

The Android Tracker SDK can be installed using Gradle.


Add into your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  // Snowplow Android Tracker
  implementation 'com.snowplowanalytics:snowplow-android-tracker:5.+'
  // In case 'lifecycleAutotracking' is enabled
  implementation 'androidx.lifecycle-extensions:2.2.+'

Step 2: Create the tracker

In your app, create the tracker.

  1. In your Application subclass, set up the SDK as follows:

    TrackerController tracker = Snowplow.createTracker(
      getApplicationContext(), // Android context
      "appTracker", // namespace
      "" // Event collector URL

    The URL path for your collector endpoint should include the protocol, “http” or “https”. If not included in the URL, “https” connection will be used by default. The tracker namespace will be attached to all events, and is especially useful when multiple trackers are instrumented in the same app (with different configuration or endpoint).

  2. It creates a tracker instance which can be used to track events like this:

    Event event = new PromotionViewEvent(new PromotionEntity("IP1234"));

    If you prefer to access the tracker when the reference is not directly accessible, you can use the defaultTracker :
