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Track Product List Events

Product List events are used for tracking views and interactions of any kind of list of products on an e-commerce store. These events are more commonly used for the product list screens, but can also be used to track similar list-like elements such as:

  • Shop-The-Look lists.
  • Frequently-Bought-With lists.
  • Product recommendations.
  • Product search results.

Product list

Product list view event

In this section, we will showcase how to track product list views.


To track a product list view you can use the ProductListViewEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(products: [ProductEntity], name: String?)
  • Where products is an array of products being viewed from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list being viewed. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

let product = ProductEntity(id: "productId", category: "software", currency: "USD", price: 99.99)
let event = ProductListViewEvent(products: [product], name: "snowplowProducts")



To track a product list view you can use the ProductListViewEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(products: List<ProductEntity>, name: String?)
  • Where products is an array of products being viewed from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list being viewed. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

val product = ProductEntity(
  id = "productId", 
  category = "software", 
  currency = "USD", 
  price = 99.99
val event = ProductListViewEvent(listOf(product), name = "snowplowProducts")



To track a product list view you can use the ProductListViewEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(products: List<ProductEntity>, name: String?)
  • Where products is an array of products being viewed from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list being viewed. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

ProductEntity product = new ProductEntity(
  "productId", // id
  "software", // category
  "USD", // currency
  99.99 // price
List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();
ProductListViewEvent event = new ProductListViewEvent(
  products, // products
  "snowplowProducts" // name


Product list click event

In this section, we will showcase how to track a click/selection of a product in a product list.


To track a click/selection of a product in a product list you can use the ProductListClickEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(product: ProductEntity, name: String?)
  • Where product is the product being clicked/selected from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list the product is currently in. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

let product = ProductEntity(id: "productId", category: "software", currency: "USD", price: 99.99)
let event = ProductListClickEvent(product: product, name: "snowplowProducts")



To track a click/selection of a product in a product list you can use the ProductListClickEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(product: ProductEntity, name: String?)
  • Where product is the product being clicked/selected from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list the product is currently in. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

val product = ProductEntity(
  id = "productId", 
  category = "software", 
  currency = "USD", 
  price = 99.99
val event = ProductListClickEvent(product, name = "snowplowProducts")



To track a click/selection of a product in a product list you can use the ProductListClickEvent with the following attributes:

ProductListViewEvent(product: ProductEntity, name: String?)
  • Where product is the product being clicked/selected from the list.
  • Where name is the name of the list the product is currently in. For the list names, you can use any kind of friendly name or a codified language to express the labeling of the list. E.g. ‘Shoes - Men - Sneakers’,‘Search results: “unisex shoes”’, ‘Product page upsells’

Example usage:

ProductEntity product = new ProductEntity(
  "productId", // id
  "software", // category
  "USD", // currency
  99.99 // price
ProductListClickEvent event = new ProductListClickEvent(
  product, // product
  "snowplowProducts" // name


Where ProductEntity can have the following attributes:

idstringSKU or product ID.
currencystringCurrency in which the product is being priced (ISO 4217).
pricenumberPrice of the product at the current time.
namestringName or title of the product.
categorystringCategory the product belongs to. Use a consistent separator to express multiple levels. E.g. Woman/Shoes/Sneakers. The number of levels is defined by the user.
listPricenumberRecommended or list price of a product.
quantitynumberQuantity of the product taking part in the action. Used for Cart events.
sizestringSize of the product. E.g. XL, XS, M.
variantstringVariant of the product. E.g. Red, Heavy, Leather.
brandstringBrand of the product.
inventoryStatusstringInventory status of the product. E.g. in stock, out of stock, preorder, backorder.
positionnumberPosition the product was presented in a list of products. Used in Product List events.
creativeIdstringIdentifier/Name/Url for the creative presented on a list or product view.